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digal dash.86 riv *DELETED*


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This is a guarenteeded problem with these cars. I dont have the answer for you. Please go and post this question on the Reatta forum. They have a newer but similar version of this electrical nightmare. Also this question may get more readers if posted on the general forum. This is the performance forum oriented toward engine and drivetrain stuff, or modified stuff.

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You can definately get the help you need on the Reatta section of the forum.

This is far from a guarranteed problem with these cars; the GCC is actually very reliable in use, and inexpensive and easy to set right if it is malfunctioning.

The Riviera and the Reatta shared identical systems and mechanical architecture so there ain't nothing wrong on your Riv that can't be solved by the Reatta braintrust. Hope to "see" you there. grin.gif

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