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Topper Movie Car

Guest OlChev

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Guest imported_OlChev

I am trying to locate any information on the "Topper" movie car. It is my understanding that the car was built using a 1937 Buick but there is some debate as to what series was used. Some feel it was a 40 series, but the photographs I have of the car seem to be larger than a 40, perhaps even an 80.

Any thoughts?

The body was built by Bohman & Schwartz in Pasadena, if any information exists on the body modifications, it would be helpful as well.

Finally, I was told that the car still exists, I would love to contact the current owner if anybody know it's whereabouts.

Thank you for the help,

Kevin Marsh

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This isn't much help, but I saw the car offered at an auction in Albuquerque in the mid 70's or so. It was then owned by Phil Maloof, a prominant collector from the area. the car was in good, not show, condition, had a bit of wear and tear. I remember seeing it driven around the auction area.

I believe it was sold at the auction, I have not seen it around here since. It was a very pretty car, I couldn't tell you what chassis it was on, but it was a boattail body and pontoon fenders, like a '35 Auburn speedster but with a '37 Buick nose and hood. I remember them calling it the "Topper" car, but that was quite a few years ago. I never saw the movie, so I don't know if that was really true. These cars could be like Batmobiles, everyone seems to have one of those!

I seem to remember reading somewhere that Herb Shriner, TV personality from the 50's who loved collecting cars, owned it in the 50's and may have used it on his show.

Good luck,


Albuquerque, NM.

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Guest imported_OlChev

Thank you Bill,

I actually know Phil Maloof, he now lives in Las Vegas and I have had the pleasure of visiting his car collection and home. I will call him for more information as I am sure he will remember some of the details.

Thanks again, Kevin

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  • 2 months later...

Hello, I am posting in these forums because I have some essential information on the topper car. There has been some incorrect information as to the current owner and other facts about the car. I have seen it recently and it is very spectacular. I am in contact with the true current owner of the Topper Car and we may be auctioning this car or making it available for purchase in the near future. Please e-mail me if you are interested, I can furnish you any further information you need on this famed Topper Movie Car. My e-mail address is diamondlon@hotmail.com

Thank you

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