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AACA Museum, where is the money going?


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I don't think hvs is trying to be either funny, or very serious,..I think he is reflecting a level of frustration which is understandable. There is a lot of discomfort in communication and what is going on. To be honest,..I'd like to know more of what is going on,..because I see a few things I SERIOUSLY wonder about, and it is only being addressed piecemeal by such persons as yourself who obviously care a good deal more about being fair than by being complete and have to deal with the tribulations of being just one among many who hold the information.<P>I think it has to be taken seriously, even when it gets as out of hand as it has been at times. Maybe it would be more helpful to be more candid,...not you alone, but as a board, into what difficulties, aside from money, have been addresses, which are to be discussed, and who you are contacting in order to consult about future troubles.<P>Robert S.

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IndianaCarGuy: From my experience in business, why don't you just submit your resume that appears to be on hold, and, get it over with.<P>Your confidence and "apparent" experience is outstanding on face value.

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Bob ~ I honestly wasn't trying to be funny. I am trying by any means possible to force people to look realistically at the entire Museum project as it is now and as it may be in the future.<P>IndianaCarGuy raised lots of points like heat, light, taxes, staff which MUST be considered and addressed. This is why there MUST be an adequate endowment no matter what form the finished product takes.<P>But----the current leadership either doesn't want to address the matter of endowment or doesn't appreciate its necessity. Either way it does not bode well for the success of the project. It is my understanding that as soon as they get $4 million together, up goes some kind of a building. What will support it upon completion. Admission fees won't.<P>Some of you may not like what I am saying, but if you are honest with yourselves and the members of AACA, you will have to take a hard look at the facts.<P>STOP and be realistic, PLEASE ~~hvs

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As I see it, there may be a more urgent problems than the future. Any project of this magnitude requires a lot of work. If this is like most hobby generated projects workers are needed. Obviously paid workers are not very realistic, so, we look to "volunteers" to do the work. Many times there are many more well-wishers than volunteers. I understand there are a good many cars that have been donated and are stored for future display. This is great but who takes care of them? Winter is here. Have these vehicles been checked and winterized? Cracked blocks are not desireable even in museum cars. These jobs are probably left to the folks who are readily available. Sometimes no one shows up except the ones who are involved with related branches, such as National Headquarters. Perhaps sometimes these folks also feel like they are stretched too thin but if no one else is there should they just say "the H*** with it" and walk away too. For those who have the interest but are unable, we better say THANKS to the ones who are willing to go the extra miles.

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Robert ~ Glad to see you are slogging through the various threads relating to "THE MUSEUM" rolleyes.gif<P>This "MUSEUM" lacks vision, enlightened leadership and direction. The only thing it has in abundence is EGO shocked.gif They have GOT to get this building up so that someone's name can be placed over the door. After all, isn't that what a museum is for? To have a place to emblazon the name of the head egomaniac. confused.gif<P>The naming process has already begun on an auxiliary building. I thought buildings were named for DEAD people, but not in the case of "THE MUSEUM". mad.gif<P>But then that's just my opinion. I could be wrong. rolleyes.gif<p>[This message has been edited by hvs (edited 12-11-2000).]

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I am already on the board for one non-profit, I am in Austin Texas, and I don't see any use in sending in a resume for someplace that neither advertises for employees, or seems to know what it really needs. I was hoping someone would find a bit of advice from a person who is already been involved in both museum development, and day-to-day operations helpful.<P>To be honest, I have neither the time,..nor the money to get involved to the level I would like to,....and I seriously doubt my sending a resume would alter that. I stay busy enough working full time, teaching my museum courses and building props for movies. You people come up with a serious position or development, and I will apply.<P>R/s.

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R/s ~~ You, like I, have offered opinions that are NOT in keeping with what the founders of this Museum want to hear. Therefore, we are but voices crying in the wilderness. Some on this forum and a few of the Museum Directors no doubt care, but those in control do not listen to opposing viewpoints. If they did, there would have been a feasability study performed long before this thing got to where it is. Don Quixote tilted at windmills. Are we not doing the same? hvs

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I've never tilted at windmills, but I did lend a hand in researching the design of one that was finished a couple of years ago, back in Indiana. I think it worked out fine. <BR>Take a look at it in the North American Timberframer's site. (I can also tell you where there is a round barn that is being re-erected, too, up that way, and you can ask the owner if I am crazy).<P>I don't believe there is anything irrational about going up against great odds,....reasonable people listen,..even if they don't agree with you right away. I haven't said anything which is not common practice everywhere (not just in the US )as far as museums go. They can take the advice and opinions, or leave them, I really don't care which. They were put in here because I know they are concerns, and my first love in museum work was automobiles. We all move on, and I can see that there is as much care and concern for this project as there is for any museum,....I am just saddened that people have to learn from their own mistakes, and I wish this one well.<P>R.S.

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