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Guest walt in ciniti

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Guest imported_walt in ciniti

Question, if someone is considering buying a Reatta and visit this site, they will get the impression that these cars are

troublesome. I have had mine since Nov. 2003 and have had only one small problem, the fuel gage-sending unit was stuck, other then that the car is wonderful.

My question is, Can we take a survey of the owners to find out what percentage do not have trouble, or very small problems?

May be we could send a questionnaire to the members or by e-mail ask a few questions about their car (s).

Would any one else like to know what percentage are trouble free?

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Guest imported_Flash

Good idea.

For the record, this is the only car that I have "choosen" to keep and drive for over 15 years. Daily. 12 months a year.

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Guest tempest68

I think some people might make that determination. But you have to take a step back for a minute and realize that people with problems are posting questions, but people not experiencing problems are not posting messages saying "I have no problems and want you to know it". So yes, I think it would be interesting to see the results of some kind of survey to determine what percentage of owners experienced what kind of problems.

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I just put my new rear struts on, so I'm an extremely happy camper. For a car as old as mine, I think maintenance and repairs are to be expected, Nothing has been very costly to fix.

Step 2 ( after step 1 Purchase a Reatta ) Get hold of a Factory Service Manual. P&I is real helpfull too. There is nothing mystical about these cars, with the PROPER procedures most repairs can be done by anyone that can turn a wrench. The tough part is figuring out exactly what needs to be repaired

Step 3 bookmark this forum in your favorite browser, this will assist greatly in the figure out stage.

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Put 45k on mine since I picked it up. Only problem* I've had - Crank sensor went belly up. Other than that she's been great.--- Unitl now.

*I just got back into it after leaving it parked for almost 3 years and she's not a happy camper.

PS replaced the O2 sensor for the heck of it; never hurts

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