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Liability insurance ??


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Has anyone else received postcard-type brochures from Sneed, Robinson & Gerber, Inc. in Memphis, TN promoting their coverage? It appears to be similar to what headquarters offers through JC Taylor (I think that is the correct agency). The one AACA offers started out at $160 a couple of years ago and has come down to $110 recently.<BR>Just wondering how many other Regions/Presidents have gotten the info?? Was the Regions/Chapters/Presidents list sold to them?<BR>Patt <BR>

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i got one also<BR>i think they got it from hemmings... thats the only place my name is listed (and for another club)<P>as to liability... are not local regions and chapters covered via AACA?<P>peter<P>------------------<BR>Peter Gariepy<BR>peterg@aaca.org<P>www.aaca.org

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What kind of liability insurance are you talking about? If it is Officers & Directors Liability coverage, then this is NOT covered by AACA insurance. For that coverage, each Region must purchase a policy on its own and it can be gotten from J.C. Taylor through National Hq.<P>If you are talking about General Liability coverage for the Region, that is a whole different ballgame. <P>As for someone getting the names and addresses of Region & Chapter Presidents, that is in the back of Antique Automobile for all to see. Further, all someone needs to do is join AACA, order a roster and run with it. It may be prohibited to use the roster for that purpose, but who can trace who does what with our roster of members.<BR>Besides, we are all on here exposing our innermost secrets to anyone smart enough to figure it out. Right Peter? ~~ hvs<P>FOR DAN B. Did you get one of these cards<BR>as a Region President?<p>[This message has been edited by hvs (edited 11-16-2000).]

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