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‘51 Special Build


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Hello, All. This is the beginning of a build thread on my 1951 Special Riviera, which I found sitting in a field in Virginia two weeks ago. It has a solid body and frame along with a motor that, as of a few hours ago, runs. More details can be found in my introduction post. I’ll be using this thread to document my progress as I get the car back on the road.




My goal for this build is not a show car, but a good presentable driver. I plan to split the build into two parts. The first, short-term part will see the mechanical and electrical systems restored, the floor pans replaced, and the interior reupholstered. Once I complete this, I can deal with the paint, pitted chrome, and rolled bumpers while I drive a functional car around.


The second part will probably have to wait until the future, but I hope to restore the trim, repaint the body, and focus on the little details to bring the car closer to factory specifications.


The interior as I found it, full of chrome.


This week, I started small by rebuilding the carb and the solenoid to try and get the motor to start while I wait for more parts in the mail. A friend’s ultrasonic cleaner and some fine wire made quick work of the carb. A rebuild kit and a soldering iron put the solenoid back in commission.



With the rebuilt carb and solenoid installed along with new battery cables, I was glad to find the motor started right up on the first try running off of a fuel bottle. The exhaust was chopped off by a previous owner just a few feet from the manifold, but I found the motor remarkably quiet. 


Next up is a brake service including a master cylinder rebuild and tires. This should get the car moving under its own power for the first time in many many years.

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Welcome!  This looks like a great project and you've really sprinted out of the gate!  It sounds like you have a good plan and obviously have the talent to pull it off.  You'll receive lots of help (well, virtual help) from the group here.  ;)

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