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32-34 KA hood questions

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For those that know, how are the hoods propped open during service/exhibition on 32-34 KAs? I was at a show a couple years ago where one side of the hood was folded over and laying on the other side. Quite a few moments of panic from admirers until the owner was found and simply shut his hood.


Secondly, how far is the hood latch bracket supposed to sit from the fan? The brackets seem to sit way too close for my liking on the car I'm putting back together.

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Ashley, it’s pretty much true with any of the K Lincoln’s and I’m not sure about the L but you never wanna lay the hood over on top of itself. It’ll start pulling the aluminum apart and it will usually mess up the front and rear hood down parts, that keep the hood centered, anyway just open the hood and set the rear of it on the cowl lacing. it should stay there if the rubber you have is good. If you bought it from Steel, it could be too soft and will fold up. Ray Theriault has some for the later K models which I think can be modified for the early ones. Thought I had a picture but I don’t. I could snap one tomorrow if you like , if you’re worried about the wind blowing it down I have a valve stick (a yardstick with holes in it for valves) that I stick down next to it to keep it from falling. If it’s windy. Now that I think about it, I might have that pic somewhere. if I have it, I’ll send another post.


found it


Edited by AB-Buff (see edit history)
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