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For Sale: 1936 Cadillac LaSalle 4dr Sedan - Project - $6,500 - Boise, ID - Not Mine

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For Sale: 1936 Cadillac LaSalle 4dr Sedan - Project - $6,500 - Boise, ID - Not Mine

1936 Cadillac LaSalle - RVs & Campers - Boise, Idaho | Facebook Marketplace | Facebook
Seller's Description:

Was running years ago. Has been sitting for quite a while. Gas tank will need attention. LaSalle was built by Cadillac. Inline 8.
Log-in to Facebook Marketplace to get contact information if interested.
I have no personal interest or stake in the eventual sale of this 1936 Cadillac LaSalle 4dr Sedan - Project.

By the same fellow selling the 1940 Hudson pickup. 

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