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Vandalism at AACA headquarters? What’s the story?

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Yes, a woman did break into our garage/storage building and do some damage.  Police and insurance company were called.  There is a video of her and the police are trying to find her. Everything that can be done has been done, including a new security system ordered.

Steve Moskowitz and the national staff are very busy right now getting ready for the next Board meeting on June 20.  Not sure he is on the forum that much right now, so I'm replying.  Steve did inform all of us on the Board last Monday morning.  And yes, when they catch her, she will be prosecuted.

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Phillip's comments are correct, but I will add that AACA has insurance to cover the damage and that our security system cameras caught her on tape.  National has upgraded the system to enhance the security system.

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If she is apprehended show no mercy . She took it upon herself to destroy and damage our history  . Doing this at AACA HQ to me is like someone breaking into my home it is a personal violation . I have no tolerance for that at all. no excuse.

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1 hour ago, Phillip Cole said:

Yes, a woman did break into our garage/storage building and do some damage.  Police and insurance company were called.  There is a video of her and the police are trying to find her. Everything that can be done has been done, including a new security system ordered.

Steve Moskowitz and the national staff are very busy right now getting ready for the next Board meeting on June 20.  Not sure he is on the forum that much right now, so I'm replying.  Steve did inform all of us on the Board last Monday morning.  And yes, when they catch her, she will be prosecuted.

Thank’s for the update. Can you elaborate on what was damaged? Where there any irreplaceable items or vintage cars?

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33 minutes ago, CarNucopia said:

...Can you elaborate on what was damaged? Where there any irreplaceable items or vintage cars?

I have no personal knowledge, but the article

mentions "significant damage."  To what, however?


The ABC article says, "Police say the woman

broke a lock off the Antique Automobile Club of

America garage and entered the building, causing

significant damage to the garage, property inside,

and vehicles parked in and outside the garage."


If she knew the good the AACA does, and how it

certainly couldn't harm her, she mightn't have done

such a venal act.


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38 minutes ago, GrumpyJim said:

To me. It seems like this wasn't random. 

I was thinking the opposite. If you look at the video the police posted, she doesn’t look like someone who was prepared to commit a crime. She’s wearing a light colored sweatsuit and had no tools or bags with her. She also seems to gesture at nobody before casually walking out of frame. My guess is mental illness she’s high on something. 

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There was major damage to our Ford F-450 tow vehicle which was mint, low miles and the roof is now caved in with no replacement available.  This was a top of the line truck (King Ranch) with all the goodies.  We are sick over this one.  A lot of random vandalism but one collector car was damaged, 1930 Lincoln.  Left side doors and hood damaged but repairable.  That is all I really want to say at the moment as we will let this take its course.  

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19 minutes ago, Steve Moskowitz said:

That is all I really want to say at the moment as we will let this take its course.  

Check the list of your former employees; especially those who had a grievance. 



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1 hour ago, 8E45E said:

Check the list of your former employees; especially those who had a grievance. 



Craig, not a former employee.  We have basically no turnover.  Folks have been here from 40 years to a low of 6 years. We have "retired two people" in 20 years! The video is of a unknown person who we suspect was either high on drugs or was confused who we are.  None of what they did made any sense.  Nothing stolen.

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1 hour ago, Steve Moskowitz said:

Craig, not a former employee.  We have basically no turnover.  Folks have been here from 40 years to a low of 6 years. We have "retired two people" in 20 years! The video is of a unknown person who we suspect was either high on drugs or was confused who we are.  None of what they did made any sense.  Nothing stolen.

Then that eliminates one trail of potential suspects.



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Very sad to hear about this.... I agree with Walt....

7 hours ago, Walt G said:

Doing this at AACA HQ to me is like someone breaking into my home it is a personal violation . I have no tolerance for that at all. no excuse.


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Ever try to sit on a roof? They cave in easy. Even leaning on them heavy to drill holes in them will oil can them.🤬

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it's important that members be fully informed

about any incident like this.  If not on the forum,

then use our magazine.  After all, the AACA buildings

are run on members' own money, with our employees.

We're the ones paying for any uncovered damage.


I appreciate Trimacar (David) and Steve M. and others

keeping us updated.

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At the risk of being edited out? The "hate" politics of the world has gone way too far in way too many directions! Bad is good, good is bad. Others are allowed and encouraged to commit violent acts against people innocent of ever dong them any harm. However, I am evil in spite of the fact that I have never committed a violent or criminal act? Nobody is safe anymore.


People that deliberately desecrate or destroy other people's history are themselves disgusting!

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49 minutes ago, jdome said:

Eco terrorist.  Attacked what she envisioned as the worst representation of IC vehicle pollution. The result of anti-IC hatred promoted by leftist politicians.  No different than eco terrorists who throw paint on Rembrandts at the National Museum of Art.  Case closed. 🙃

If you have never been around a person with a serious mental illness you have no idea what it’s like to deal with what they justify as defending themselves from something.  Don’t be so quick to pass judgement until more facts are known.  I went through it with a family member, it’s living hell.

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Thank you @Steve Moskowitz - it sounds like you, the board and the police have it well in hand.  A very unfortunate incident indeed.  To others please leave it to Steve M and the police to solve and in due course the answers that can be provided will be and when the suspect is caught, and she will be, allow the court process to play out as it should.  Armchair quarterbacking and investigating is not going to help and may in fact hinder the entire process.  Once again, thank you very much Steve for all that you do and definitely an item that you did not need added to your plate.  I am certain if the club needs any assistance that the appropriate appeal will be made at that time.



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2 hours ago, 3macboys said:

Thank you @Steve Moskowitz - it sounds like you, the board and the police have it well in hand.  A very unfortunate incident indeed.  To others please leave it to Steve M and the police to solve and in due course the answers that can be provided will be and when the suspect is caught, and she will be, allow the court process to play out as it should.  Armchair quarterbacking and investigating is not going to help and may in fact hinder the entire process.  Once again, thank you very much Steve for all that you do and definitely an item that you did not need added to your plate.  I am certain if the club needs any assistance that the appropriate appeal will be made at that time.



Very well stated Don.  I agree completely with your comment.  This is a very unfortunate event and I hope they find the person who caused the damage.



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7 hours ago, 8E45E said:

Check the list of your former employees; especially those who had a grievance. 



Craig, this is an insult to the employees of National.  There has been extremely little turnover in the office in the past 20 years and one just celebrated her 39th anniversary there.  Of the three that I have known that left employment at the National Office in the past 20 or so years, one left to marry someone from out of state, another for a higher-level position at another institution and the third was because of death.  I hope you will apologize to our National staff.

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Man, I hate to hear about this. My daughter and I came by the friday preceding, passing through on our way to Maine and was able to take a quick tour an hour or two before closing. We were very impressed by the museum, and she even enjoyed looking at the buses with me. I think she managed to drag home a souvenir in the form of a metal Corvette sign too..

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The other week the question relating to suspicious cars, and shady characters was posted under 'General Discussion' and some felt it had no relevance at all to the Antique car world. 


Unfortunately now it has. Time will tell if any 'reason'; not that there is probably one that we would accept.


Hopefully just a random, drug/ alcohol/ ? fruit loop on their own planet.


Minimal damage, and no staff threatened, or injured. Just a good wake up call for a security update of some sorts. 


We cannot stop these kinds of events, or people, just hopefully encourage them to give up and go elsewhere. Sad but true.



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9 hours ago, 61polara said:

Craig, this is an insult to the employees of National.  There has been extremely little turnover in the office in the past 20 years and one just celebrated her 39th anniversary there.  Of the three that I have known that left employment at the National Office in the past 20 or so years, one left to marry someone from out of state, another for a higher-level position at another institution and the third was because of death.  I hope you will apologize to our National staff.

An EX-employee is no longer considered "staff".  And obviously, those three you cite left on good terms.  Not every company or organization is fortunate enough to have excellent, reliable employees working, or who once worked for them.  For example, at a competitor of a company where I worked at a number of years ago, a respected salesman who was with that outfit for many years got caught stealing goods and 'back-dooring' them to customers for cash.   He ended up being charged with theft (on the merchandise he stole that could be proven) to the fullest extent of the law.  In the early 2000's, the former Treasurer of the Studebaker Drivers Club absconded with a huge amount of club money before it was noticed.  Bad actors exist everywhere.


Whether one agrees or not, EVERYONE is a suspect, even an EX-employee, especially if they had a disagreement with someone. 







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So last night I received an email from our local police and let our board know the results.  As of now I have no idea of her motive but local law enforcement has promised me more info as this works its way through the legal process.  In the meantime, she is being charged with two felonies, one for burglary and the other for criminal mischief.


Guessing why all this happened is futile and we will let you guys know the deal as soon as appropriate.  


As to the roof caving in, she jumped up and down on it and it mostly caved in along the edge of the sunroof.  Trust me, not sure what this girl weighed but she in fact did a ton of damage to the roof.


Craig, no worries....I understand, Dave and others are justifiably proud of our staff and virtual no turnover but of course the police asked the question right off the bat whether I had fired anyone recently.  Thankfully, we have a great team here.


I know everyone is curious and want to know every detail but Don said it best.  Please, end the speculation, we will have answers.

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Thank you for the update, and I am thankful she was caught.  I only hope she gets charged to the fullest extent of the law, including jail time.



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1 hour ago, Bhigdog said:

Fat chance of that..... More likely already out and getting some kind of "assistance" ............Bob

Want to make a wager on that statement?  Sorry Bob, I understand the frustration we all have with the current legal system but no, she is not out and what I know so far is that she is looking at significant jail time. In fact, I suspect she will not be granted bail as she is a flight risk. As I said. please everyone let this play out...you will be informed and yes we agreed to press charges right from the get go.  If it is who I think it is (from early conversations with law enforcement) she may be a habitual offender from another state.

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As I have said many times, I hope everyone can see and appreciate your wisdom and leadership in, yes, even this kind of situation. Thank you!!!

Knowing our national staff I know they were repairing what damage they could on that Monday morning.  Thank you for organizing a faithful, hardworking and long tenured staff!!!

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