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Spokane 2023 NE Express(less)


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23 minutes ago, 60FlatTop said:

"You want me to cross the United States in a 1956 Buick? TWICE!!

I have to draw the line somewhere."

For no particular reason I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean. And when I got there, I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well turn around, just keep on going. When I got to another ocean, I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going.”  F. Gump


Fresh lobsters in Maine are tough to beat JD….just sayin….


This is like my morning coffe go-to thread. Drive safe and thanks for the pics!

Edited by KAD36 (see edit history)
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I have been watching the elevations. We are around 500 feet here. And John will be near the eastern continental divide on the way back. It's a little northwest of Jamestown and about 12 feet high. Years ago a couple of farmers were charged with digging a ditch across it.

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I know that once the needle on the heat gauge gets past 1/2 way to "H", the anxiety level can increase.  Provided it stops moving and stabilizes!  Key point, "stabilizes".


As long as the radiator is full of coolant and the oil level is similar, should be no real issues on a 15psi pressurized cooling system, I would suspect.  And the gasoline keeps things quiet, too.  Another key thing might be that you are in a thinner atmosphere, which might also mean a less-dense airflow through the radiator, which will cool the coolant less?


Annie has done well for you, probably enjoying things as much as you have.  When you get back home, treat her to a fresh oil change of "the good stuff" and possibly consider a block core plug replacement (and related water passage flush) this winter?


From the limited experience I had with GPS at work, I usually turn them off.  I learned to read maps about 65 years ago and have always enjoyed that.  Rather than filling station maps, Google Maps is the current favorite.  Then, for a long excursion, there are a few website which list road construction (including many state DOT websites), so those areas can be investigated, too.  When we drove my great-aunt back from CA to TX, she (as AAA member) requested their LA office to map a route for us, which they did.  Another possible resource?


What I also figured out from our younger guys who would take my place while I was off work, they all relied on GPS to get across the metro area.  In most cases, right into the congestion of mid-town areas where many freeways crossed, where "everybody else" was.  After a few times, I learned to avoid those areas, going past those exits and continuing to the next exit and surface streets "where everybody else was not".


Perhaps you might put your "Travels with Annie" into a continued thread in here, somewhere?  It would be enjoyable!


Thanks for the many pictures of your trip!




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"We are about ten miles from our destination. Better turn the GPS on." That is my take.


John's house I turn right at the end of the driveway, California it's a left.


My wife has always enjoyed going on trips with me. Even if she does sit there quietly praying sometimes.

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The temp guage is both blessing and curse. The main thingbto me is the reason for the fluctuation. Is it something I can control or not? Several times it has risen to 210 today. Was it the noticeable difference in air temp? Or the imperceptible hill that was just climbed? Or is that filter plugged and about to let the bypass open and push all that crud into my recored radiator?  In considering thst last option I am currently sitting in the shade at a rest area in Brigham Utah waiting for it to cool off enough to check the filter.  

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Back in the house again. The maroon Riviera paint chips looked like a burn to my wife. Trying to get it in primer.


Anyway, those mountains are going to generate a lot of heat in the Dynaflow and it pumps right into the radiator tank on a long pull. That's where your water pump is sucking from and it's going to cause a head start on the heat exchange in the block.

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21 hours ago, JohnD1956 said:

Several times it has risen to 210 today.

Depending on your radiator cap and at least 50% coolant the boil over temp will be between 220 and 250 degrees (there are charts that will give you your value).  Coolant does not increase the  boiling temp very much, does diminish hot spots in the cylinder head from starting  the runaway hyperthermia.  Try on 215-220 in 105 central Texas heat, with jumps up to 230 in congested traffic.  (over 220 there is detonation due to high cylinder head temperatures).  I never drive like that unless I have to!

Edited by old-tank (see edit history)
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Made it to my sisters place in Salt Lake City around 1 pm. It was a cool morning but its hot now.





A fellow who spoke about the car at last nights hotel comes from SLC and he convinced me to drive to Provo to take the Rt189 canyon pass. Said its still uphill all the way but a much easier climb. 


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Good morning.  Its 6:22 and already 82° in Salt Lake City, with storms predicted for this afternoon.  It was so hot yesterday that even running 5 miles in town the guage was in the red zone. Looking for another early start today. 

The mountains surrounding SLC are gorgeous 


If only one did not have to get over them to get home.  🤔


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3 hours ago, JohnD1956 said:

The mountains surrounding SLC are gorgeous 

Used to travel that way (Ogden/SLC) on business quite a bit. Got to spend 4 months there on TDY.  Pretty country, lots to see, great food, never a dull moment.  Enjoy.

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20230724_083855.jpgMoved on this morning. Went to Provo and drove the Provo River Canyon.  This was a great way to avoid the climb on RT 80.  It starts out at 50 mph and as one climbs the air temp drops. No issues with Annie even though I stopped often to take pictures

The Bridal Veil Falls




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It was a slow rise to Deer Creek reservoir.  

20230724_092046.jpg and Heber City was really nice. A good place to vacation. 

A few more hills and I was on Rt 80 East. I really enjoyed that.



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Once on Rt 80 it was a lot of downhill going East. And I could feel the difference immediately.  After a bunch of miles I saw the Jordanelle Reservoir. 


Massive man made dam. 


20230724_101320.jpg and then the Echo Reservoir  which was even larger.  



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Then moved on to Evanston WY for lunch and a filter cleanup. I was happy to see no pile on the bypass valve. Returned to the road just in time to see a lightening bolt in these storm clouds.

20230724_130232.jpg and then the storm grew and tracked parallel to Rt 80 eventually obscuring the sun and cooling thing down quite a bit.


20230724_150602.jpg this lasted all the way to Rawlings WY for the nite. 

I would put in more pictures but the wi fi here is not so great.

After dinner I pulled the filter again and found a big pile of debris but a lot less small stuff in the stainless steel mesh.  Hope this ride is cleaning it up totally. 

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Moved on today, shooting for North Platt Nebraska. It was 64* in Rawlins and I left around 7:30 after refueling etc. 



I managed to get almost 200 miles in by 11 am. 



20230725_120717.jpg200 miles is my point to re fuel and if possible to clean the coolant filter.  It definitely needed a cleaning.  A huge chunk of detritus came out and I hoped  maybe that was it?  At any rate, around noon the air temp shot up to the 80's and continued to climb. 100 miles later on flat ground running 65 mph in the mid 90 degree range the cars temp climbed so I stopped and cleaned the filter again.  The screen was really coated but there was no pile on the bypass valve.  Meanwhile it got hotter and the car ran hotter too, so I packed it in 60 miles later.  323 miles today. to a town 40 miles west of North Platt.  Bonus points for a $40.00 lower room rate here.  These mid-west room rates are way up there.  But I have no real choice.  

The few pictures I took this afternoon didn't even come out as the auto focus zeroed in on the bugs splattered on the windshield.  


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The reality that this isn't a whole lot of fun in this heatwave struck me this morning. It is like I have been running a marathon which may start out as novel, but eventually becomes a grueling obsession and one cant wait for it to be over. So I decided to hit the road while it was cool and then stop at two local attractions along the way.

First up was an original Pony Express stop in Gothenburg Nebraska.  

20230726_100728.jpg20230726_100702.jpg20230726_101049.jpg20230726_100948.jpg20230726_101033.jpg20230726_101406.jpg20230726_101433.jpg20230726_101109.jpg20230726_101131.jpg there wasnt a whole lot here bit there was enough to take a break.

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Then I  took Rt 30, the Lincoln Highway the 60 miles to the next stop.

This is also called alt Rt 80. The striking thing was the lack of any shade.


I also saw two old trucks which would have been great pictures for this site but it was too late and the day was heating up so I moved on.

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Then I went to Pioneer Village in Minden Nebraska.  I was thinking there would be a bunch of period cabins etc but there was a whole town moved there. Tons of vehicles and the focus was to show how we progressed so fast in the late 1800's to 1900. 



There was so much tucked in there I had to hold my camera on an angle for most pictures. Wagons, cars, trucks, airplanes, helicopters, and a yacht from someone in Chicago.  This was a great collection but beware of two things if you want to go. #1 it is 22 miles south of Rt 80, and it is not fully airconditioned. The 2nd thing stopped me from going into the 24 buildings on site, one of which holds 300 cars.

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Sorry the heat is putting a damper on the journey.  Looking at old pictures of folks on the road touring America I always think about the heat they experienced. Dry dusty roads. Stopping for a roadside lunch. Then a sigh of relief as the hotel up the road has signage stating Air Conditioned Rooms. Pool! Even these types of hotels/motels few and far between. Despite the heat this trip you'll talk about and reminisce for a long time.  I looking forward to doing similar with one of my Buicks. 

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My grandmother Maud (Shagley) Shipman was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution.  We can trace our lineage back to John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court appointed by President George Washington.  

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Today was a tough day for personal reasons. It did not help that at 7am it was already in the mid 80s and now humid besides. So I decided I would use Rt 80 but no side roads, and visit two more local attractions. One in Omaha, one in Des Moines.  

The one in Omaha was the General George Crook house. It is a fablous building and wonderful restoration.  A lot of history here. 


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And when I arrived I saw this in the parking lot

20230727_095156.jpg as I was leaving the owner stopped by and was looking Annie over. Come to find out he has a 68 Wildcat convertible and his brother has a 67 Electra convertible.  his name was also John and though not a member of the BCA yet, he did know about Spokane and Naperville.  

20230727_111941.jpg Always a pleasure meeting Buick Brothers!  I gave him some BCA material. 

the 2nd attraction wasnt open in Des Moines so I kept going to tonites stop. Have another heat record breaker day for tomorrow.  This is getting a bit old already. 


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The heat wave is getting very old, but I love the way you keep trucking on John, and you are a great ambassador for the BCA and all of us members, I will stay tuned for the rest of your journey 




EDIT: Another poor air quality alert day here

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21 hours ago, JohnD1956 said:

This is getting a bit old already. 


Des Moines. Getting a bit old is when you first see Des Moines ahead on the horizon. Two hours later you turn your head and see Des Moines to your left as it stays in your peripheral vision for another hour and a half. The you watch it fade out of your rear view mirror for another for another two hours.


And that's taking the bypass, not the yellow road.


Emerald City, Wizard of Oz Photo Backdrop – Alba Backgrounds


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Don't stop with the pictures and experience. I'm living every mile with you and your posts.  I'm envious of your travels and hope to one day do the same.  Your Buick is running the roads admirably. You have no clue to what suckers like me would give a left nut to drive our Buick like you are. Keep on trucking. 

Edited by avgwarhawk (see edit history)
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Thanks @364nailhead.  I appreciate the kind words. 

Today started out with cooler temps and the promise of more hot weather. So I figured it was best to get some miles done before it warmed up. My friend Ray suggested doing the truck museum at the Rt 80 truck stop near Walcott Iowa for a break.  And I was glad he did.





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