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Jay Leno Accident


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Ouch! Best wishes for a speedy full recovery!

I have never seen a Stanley do such a thing. I have known several people that own and tour with Stanleys, and heard quite a few stories, and seen the burned hoods. I hope to see more Stanly activity before too much longer. However, I would prefer to see them behaving well. 


Take good care of yourself Jay!

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I made a quick inquiry and basically they want privacy, as one would expect. Burns heal slow........and show business is a "visual" art. Hopefully he gets back on his feet again soon. 


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1 hour ago, 1937hd45 said:

Wishing him a full and speedy recovery. Sounds like a Stanley Steamer misbehaved. Bob 

No one has said it was a Stanley Steamer or what kind of car or even how it happened. Comments like this is why social media is so frustrating at times. This can just hurt a typical brand of car so it would be better to wait until Jay gets better and tells someone what actually happened. 
dave s 

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I know that what I have read so far has not said what car, if any, was involved. Stanleys, whether deserved or not, have a bit of a reputation for such flareups. Actually, what my steam friends tell me is that people that know what they are doing with them, and are being a little careful, rarely ever have such flareups. Not with Stanleys or most any other marque steam cars. It is usually relative newcomers playing with cars not properly set up and adjusted that burn their hoods. Although I have known a few expert level people that would admit they too had burned a hood.

Since Jay Leno is considered to be one of the top experts working with steam cars, I halfway suspect it was not a steam car at all. It could have just as likely been a static spark around a fuel transfer. 

We all tend to occasionally play loose with potentially dangerous materials and equipment. We as a hobby need reminders from time to time that these things can and sometimes do blow up in our faces! 


Regardless. Jay, we love you! Get back to full health quick!

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There is a YouTube video of Leno starting a Stanley steamer and almost getting burned.  He jumped back among a whoosh of flame.  I will see if I can find it on YouTube and post a link. I know nothing about Stanley Steamers… but I definitely saw Leno almost get burned by one.


Standby for a link.  Please note that I am not at all suggesting that this is what happened this time.  Regardless… I hope it isn’t too serious and he recovers quickly.  He is definitely one of my car idols.


4:24 in




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For those who want to know.  One of the news reports said it was a 1910 White, they even showed a photo of it.  I remember watching him on " My Classic car" starting a steam car and almost getting brunt.  You can see why steam cars, never made it.

Wishing him a full and speedy recovery!

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When I last visited, the 1910 White was undergoing an overhaul. It was in the same collection for decades with my 1917 White. I was able to pass along photos of the car and paperwork including registrations and a bill of sale to him from the 50’s. I also had the original matchbox that came with the car when new and passed it over to him……”the keys” if you will. He generously spent an entire day with me and my sidekick. The shop is usually empty on a Sunday as you would expect. The video implied he was alone………..very dangerous situations in a shop happen quickly. As bad as things are, they could have been much worse. I wish him all the best. 

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It does sadden me a bit that a steam car was involved. But I know these things can and do happen. I also know that I would rather be hurt doing what I love doing than to sit safely at home not doing things I enjoy. 

I hope his injuries are not worse than alluded to, and he can recover fully and quickly!

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One thing that’s doesn’t get comments very often………many of the things we do in the shop can easily cost us an arm, leg, or our life. It’s easy to get distracted, or as we get older not concentrating on the issue at hand can lead to unexpected consequences. As I am getting older I have two important tools in the shop……my cellphone and my “assistance alarm”. I try and keep my phone in my shirt pocket at all times so in an emergency I can use voice dialing in the event of an emergency. I also have a neck remote panic alarm I always wear when under any car or working beneath the lift. I’m alone in the shop 95 percent of the time…………and I don’t like the thought of getting into serious trouble without at least some reasonable back up……even if it’s only technology. Cameras today are cheap, and it’s also a great safety device for any shop. My panic button allows the alarm company people to look through the cameras in real time to help figure  out what is going on. Hopefully the operator is sharp enough to assist in a timely manner……….and that is what scares me the most.

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15 minutes ago, ron hausmann said:

Leno also has a Doble Steam car.



Three last time I was there..........sedan, convertible coupe, and a display chassis. Wouldn't surprise me if the chassis becomes a car some day.

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3 hours ago, edinmass said:

One thing that’s doesn’t get comments very often………many of the things we do in the shop can easily cost us an arm, leg, or our life. It’s easy to get distracted, or as we get older not concentrating on the issue at hand can lead to unexpected consequences. As I am getting older I have two important tools in the shop……my cellphone and my “assistance alarm”. I try and keep my phone in my shirt pocket at all times so in an emergency I can use voice dialing in the event of an emergency. I also have a neck remote panic alarm I always wear when under any car or working beneath the lift. I’m alone in the shop 95 percent of the time…………and I don’t like the thought of getting into serious trouble without at least some reasonable back up……even if it’s only technology. Cameras today are cheap, and it’s also a great safety device for any shop. My panic button allows the alarm company people to look through the cameras in real time to help figure  out what is going on. Hopefully the operator is sharp enough to assist in a timely manner……….and that is what scares me the most.

That all is very true. Basically you are pointing out the intrinsic danger of all mechanical work. Mr. Leno told me several times that comedy did not involve heavy lifting. Working on automobiles does involve heavy lifting. Ironically his return to hosting the remake of “ You bet you’re life” was safer than working automobiles. To quote a local guy who created a radio show named Garage Logic Joe Soucheray “Life is dangerous”. No one wants any fellow car collector/ mechanic to have harm come upon them. 

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I do the same thing.  A couple of weeks ago, I actually asked my wife to come out and watch while I pulled the transmission from the 1936 Chrysler down on to my chest.  I did not know exactly what it weighed, and I knew that if I somehow got stuck, or injured, that I wanted her close to make a call or assist me.  I pretty much do all my work alone and if I ever think (while I am working) “I wonder if this is a smart way to approach this problem”, I stop and figure out a different approach.


I went back and watched a couple of Jay’s videos on YouTube and all I can feel is sad.




13 hours ago, edinmass said:

One thing that’s doesn’t get comments very often………many of the things we do in the shop can easily cost us an arm, leg, or our life. It’s easy to get distracted, or as we get older not concentrating on the issue at hand can lead to unexpected consequences. As I am getting older I have two important tools in the shop……my cellphone and my “assistance alarm”. I try and keep my phone in my shirt pocket at all times so in an emergency I can use voice dialing in the event of an emergency. I also have a neck remote panic alarm I always wear when under any car or working beneath the lift. I’m alone in the shop 95 percent of the time…………and I don’t like the thought of getting into serious trouble without at least some reasonable back up……even if it’s only technology. Cameras today are cheap, and it’s also a great safety device for any shop. My panic button allows the alarm company people to look through the cameras in real time to help figure  out what is going on. Hopefully the operator is sharp enough to assist in a timely manner……….and that is what scares me the most.


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On 11/14/2022 at 6:21 PM, Ed Luddy said:

What ever it was the caused it doesn't matter. I hope he fully recovers and keeps on going and showing his cars!

  Finding the cause is most important of all.   Without knowing exactly why this happened, you can easily make the same mistake again.   In the world of Corporate hell, this would cause a major shutdown of the entire area, until the exact cause is known, and completely prevented from happening again.       Been there and done that.....



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I Hope (and know) Jay will recover fast and completely.

  There comes a time,what we do alone at 16 to 46 years old  on cars,we should be more thoughtful pushing 70. Simple crazy azz eruptions in our youth we are not so quick to get out of. And if we do,the recovery if injured is times/ten after 50 years old,even for an old jock.!



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On 11/15/2022 at 5:06 AM, edinmass said:

or as we get older not concentrating on the issue at hand can lead to unexpected consequences.

Those guys in their 70's always seem to be trying to prove something. Seen that ever since I was a kid. I never had anyone I would call a mentor but there sure have been a bunch that "I never wanted to be like".



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4 hours ago, 60FlatTop said:

Those guys in their 70's always seem to be trying to prove something. Seen that ever since I was a kid. I never had anyone I would call a mentor but there sure have been a bunch that "I never wanted to be like".


Well, as one of those guys in their 70s, I know that if I haven't proved it by now I ain't never gonna (and I no longer care).  One of my favorite quotes is from Dirty Harry, "A man's got to know his limitations."

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6 PM TV news had a clip showing him in a hyperbaric chamber - supposed to inhibit infection, promote healing, etc.  Didn't show his face but his hands are bandaged - he was gesturing with them while talking to a nurse through an intercom thingy.

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35 minutes ago, CHuDWah said:

6 PM TV news had a clip showing him in a hyperbaric chamber - supposed to inhibit infection, promote healing, etc.  Didn't show his face but his hands are bandaged - he was gesturing with them while talking to a nurse through an intercom thingy.

I had about 30 hyperbaric "dives" some years ago. You just lay there and watch TV. Takes quite a while to get "down to depth" and then get back again. 

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On 11/15/2022 at 9:06 PM, edinmass said:

many of the things we do in the shop can easily cost us an arm, leg, or our life. It’s easy to get distracted, or as we get older not concentrating on the issue at hand can lead to unexpected consequences.

Funnily enough I have a book in my library from 1920 that warns aspiring mechanics of pretty much exactly that, talks about the dangers of a "modern" workshop and the dangers of maiming yourself


Wishing Leno all the best for a speedy recovery, I'm sure everyone here is really appreciative that he shares his collection 

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Nat....It was reported a 07 White, not a Stanley. In 2 of his earlier video's getting the car up and going, he said the larger main tank fuel was Gasoline. Also gasoline leaking out from under the car when he was lighting it up in one of the video's. The smaller pilot light tank he said that it held fuel???

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10 hours ago, CHuDWah said:

6 PM TV news had a clip showing him in a hyperbaric chamber - supposed to inhibit infection, promote healing, etc.  Didn't show his face but his hands are bandaged - he was gesturing with them while talking to a nurse through an intercom thingy.

We of Italian descent cannot talk without moving our hands 😁

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White gas is just unleaded gasoline....

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