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The Beginning Of The End Of The Chevrolet Corvette

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The world won't run out of gas Corvettes. But once new gasoline powered vehicles become a rarity I suspect there will be many changes in the automotive world, repair , parts , fuel  etc . that we can't even imagine at this point in time.

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Consider the source.

A Korean journalist writing for a foreign based magazine who sings the praises of just how wonderful Hyundais really are if only Americans would pay attention.


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I'm thrilled that Corvette's will soon be optionally powered by electric motors

  • Faster
  • Four wheel drive
  • Less mechanical complications which will reduce the service needs
  • Cheaper "fuel".
  • Did I mention faster?

Sure, it won't have the traditional Sound of a V8, but thats just one factor. 

There is 70 years of used Corvettes for those that want the V8. 

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electric is awesome (except for the recharge time.) and the lack of powerful engine sounds. my youngest daughter has a tesla that out performs most stock cars. fun to feel the g forces... but no noise? what the heck? it is missing something...

Edited by mrspeedyt (see edit history)
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