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Let's end the guessing game. You selling or buying


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Seeing lots of post titles with just a part or car name, no mention of whether it is for sale or wanted. Please click on and use the "Add tags" feature underneath title.  Or at a minimum just add FS or WTB to the title.






Buy and Sell Rules

Subject:  Put either "FS" for "For Sale" or "WTB" for "Want to Buy" in the subject line along with the year, make and model, etc.

Tags: Please use the tags provides in addition to putting them in the subject.

Description: Please include the following information in the body of your post: Year, Make, Model, Description, Photos - lots of photos! (strongly suggested), Price (strongly suggested), Location (City, State, Country), Contact Information (Name, Email and Phone)

Posts not following the rules will be deleted without comment.




Edited by MrEarl (see edit history)
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