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Genevieve revisted..on a large screen

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The crude and rude(but tolerated)gruff masculin dope I iz,was invited to a formal dress viewing of the 1953/4 film on a 40 foot private screening in true 35mm   this past week end.(I rented a tux and got plastered later.).

  I've liked this film since seeing it in the early '60's . 

 A big hit in it's day and still for ones in the know and like early cars and early collecting.

 If you like pre wwII brass era cars and old movies and get British humor,find a used DVD..and enjoy.





Edited by Flivverking (see edit history)
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Yep what a great film, my Dad introduced me to it as a kid and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I guess for some strange reason it is one of the reasons I wanted to join the old car hobby I probably should see someone about that 🤔🤣.

A few years ago I found it on DVD and showed it to my wife She laughed and enjoyed it too. As for the music score her comments were something along the lines of “ that music it suits the hobby perfectly sort of meandering along quirkily with owners being perhaps a little soft in the head”  I took this as a compliment as it was intended 🤣.  This movie is also the reason I would really like to own a veteran car one day, thanks for reminding us about it. 

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2 hours ago, Flivverking said:

Lets not forget the amazing mouth organ score/theme by Larry Adler.

 That alone ,to hear ,is worth viewing the film...


Bit of useless trivia, Larry Adler lived here in Ridgefield at one time. 



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There is a well known restorer in the Toronto area who named his first two children Wendy and Alan.


Regards, Gary

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I saw that movie for the first time a few months ago on youtube. I'd never heard of it before. I was going to post a link to it, but decided not to because there were some things I didn't like about it. I should say it doesn't portray some old car enthusiasts in a very positive light, but that wasn't my problem (in fact, that portrayal might be somewhat accurate at times.) I just found it to be a little too mean spirited to enjoyable as a comedy. I've always enjoyed actor Kenneth More, though. And yeah, the music is a kick!  I suspect most old car folks would like the movie.


There was another similar British movie about enthusiasts from roughly the same era. It wasn't about the old car hobby, but about the antique steam powered tractor and equipment hobby. I enjoyed it more than Genevieve, but sorry, I can't remember the name. Also on youtube and a comedy. Talk about esoteric subject matter for a comedy! 😄

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