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I got hit by a truck... literally...

Peter Gariepy

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21 hours ago, Peter Gariepy said:

Please.... be aware of bicycles and motorcycles on the road.

And if you're riding a bike or cycle... please... for god sake, wear a helmet!

Peter- Very sorry to hear of your encounter and wish you a speedy recovery.  Amen to wearing a helmet, I was more of a motorcyclist, rode them for just over 50 years and would not go near one without a helmet.   Over my lifetime I had 3 such incidents I was keenly aware of.  The first was a local bicyclist in his 50's who was well known for travelogue movies shown by George Pierrot on TV and at our local high school auditorium.   He hit a curb and fell off his bike and was killed by closed head injury due, likely, to the fact he had no helmet.


One of my brother's classmates was riding his bicycle to grade school on an icy morning, without a helmet, and rode into the path of Mrs. Harris, our 6th grade English teacher's 1956 Olds and was hit, knocked down and slid a long way on an icy road.   He was ok until he got to school.  Mrs. Harris nearly took his head off for riding on the road which was a violation of a school safety mandate and not looking before cutting across the road on a day when cars just could not stop.


The last was a story of the loss of both a brilliant Ford engineering manager who happened to be my dad's boss, and his wife.  He and his wife did have helmets on and were riding on a shoulder bicycle path in Edward Heinz Park in Westland Michigan, well off the road, when he and his wife were hit by a drunk driver.  They both died in the accident.  


I regarded safety as the number one goal while riding motorcycles.  On the hottest of days I rode with armored jacket and pants, boots, gloves and the best helmet I could find.  I adopted the attitude while riding that I was a ghost, no one else had responsibility to see me or give a rip about my safety, that was all on me.  I also NEVER did anything to provoke an incident such as riding between lanes or riding on the shoulder of a road that had stopped traffic.  I stayed in my lane in a traffic jam and waited my turn to move just like the car behind and in front of me had to do.  I also tried to move with traffic knowing speed is not as likely to kill you as differential speed is likely to kill you when a car pulls suddenly into your lane not knowing you are there.  If the car is doing 70 and you are doing 90 and you collide going the same direction that's a 20mph impact.


Get well soon Peter.



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Wow, not a good ride. Hang in there and keep us updated on your progress. There are lots here wishing you all the best and praying for a speedy recovery. 


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7 hours ago, Str8-8-Dave said:

I also NEVER did anything to provoke an incident such as riding between lanes or riding on the shoulder of a road that had stopped traffic. 

To be honest, I was rather amazed at that while travelling in California.  Motorcyclists did ride at reduced speeds on the lines between stopped traffic, and even more, trucks with long mirror extensions actually pulled over some, or pushed the button and folded the mirror so they could pass by unobstructed.  This appeared to 'the norm' and were/are expected to.   Did the Governor in California enact this as an 'anti-idling' measure for motorcycles?



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Peter, you weren’t kidding about your face hitting the grill. You do know just because it says RAM on the front of that truck it is not to be taken literally. Probably the dumbest thing they ever put on a truck. 
Hope you continue to heal and the thumb doesn’t hurt too much. 
dave s 

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11 minutes ago, 8E45E said:

To be honest, I was rather amazed at that while travelling in California.  Motorcyclists did ride at reduced speeds on the lines between stopped traffic, and even more, trucks with long mirror extensions actually pulled over some, or pushed the button and folded the mirror so they could pass by unobstructed.  This appeared to 'the norm' and were/are expected to.   Did the Governor in California enact this as an 'anti-idling' measure for motorcycles?



Lane splitting has been a common legal practice in CA for as long as I can remember. Not sure may other states allow it. I would be too nervous to ever try such a thing

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I’ll echo the sentiments of so many other well-wishers. 
I rode mornings for many many years, both in the Richmond, VA and New Orleans areas. After too many close calls, I started riding on either the Mississippi River or Lake Pontchartrain levees where no motorized vehicles are permitted. A jogger turned while using earbuds and launched straight into me - and then tried to blame me. Fortunately several others took him to task and offered to serve as witness. Other than some road rash, a bent rim, and damaged helmet, I was ok. He was uninjured.


Was the driver of the pickup someone you chastised on our FORUM??

Edited by Marty Roth (see edit history)
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As a long time serious cyclist I’m glad to hear you survived and will completely recover.  I average 4000+ miles per year on my bike and have been hit by a car at low speed once.  Coincidently I also broke my thumb in that incident.  Conservation of momentum is an amazing thing when a 4500 lb car hits a 200 lb cyclist.  My other serious accidents were self inflicted and more painful but not near as terrifying as being hit by a car.  Get healed soon!

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Oh Lawdy. Get felling better soon Peter. I have rode bicycles, but not to recent. Too many idiots on the road now a days. I do give cyclists plenty of room on the road and only pass them if is safe to do so. Glad to hear your on the mend. Dandy Dave!

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Peter, I am so relieved to hear of your survival. I am originally from Kalamazoo,  MI and was closely connected to the group of cyclists who were struck en-mass by a drunk driver, killing 5. I was an avid cyclist up until that time and will confess the accident spooked me. While I still ride on bike paths, I have done next to nothing on the roads since that time. Needless to say I am relieved that you fared better than the locals did here. I wish you a speedy recovery. 


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As a 10 year old, I jpined some other boys to ride our bikess out in the country to our Boy Scout camp.

We were walking in the woods an came across a coupe having sex.

When we returned to where our bikes were parked, my New Empress 3 speed english bike had been placed behind the 52 Plymouth Mayflower and run over.   They Mayflower had sailed off.   It was my brand new bike that I got for that birthday.   

I've hated green Plymouth Mayflowers ever since.

My next bike was a 3 speed Raleigh (Used) and my father got me a 1950 Ford Steering wheel for it.


Edited by Paul Dobbin (see edit history)
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Peter, Best wishes for a speedy recovery!


My daily work commute is full of Amish Buggies, Amish people using bicycles and bicycle enthusiasts (sometimes by themselves or in groups). Most of the back roads I use have no shoulders, are not very wide and a few have curves with limited or no sight distance. I always give all of these people PLENTY of room. Sadly other drivers do not always do that which can be dangerous for all sharing the road especially those riding bicycles without helmets.


Have you contacted the manufacturer of your helmet? They might be very interested to see how their product performed in a real world accident situation.

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1 hour ago, mobileparts said:

 And , others have said (not me), that you have a face made for Radio !!! LOL...

When Peter, utilizing his revised appearance, hosts a radio show,

maybe he can audition my Juggling Act for his show?

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On 4/21/2022 at 5:28 PM, 9F94M567042 said:

Slightly off topic here, and I know we all wish Peter a speedy recovery, but, If you need/desire a self-driving car, you should NOT be allowed behind the wheel. PERIOD!

 I will admit to cutting off a motorcycle when I made a left turn on a green light... Even though he had his lights on his harley dresser...  my tired body ( after 10 hours driving at work) avoided contact!!!.. i had made a left turn right in front of him... Luckily when my brain registered the situation..the 428 in my 67 t bird got out of his way... (and i was still in my fifties when this happened...)


 statistically speaking...the self driving cars tend to do better than humans (I hate to say)

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I use to ride this 3k to 5K miles a year...


My mom hit a guy on a bike or motorcycle.


She offer to pay 2k to sell her the bike so I would not ride it any more and get hit.  It is a true story.


I passed on it.. I use to love to bike..


Here is my bike.. It has not seen the road in 31 years..


I was in High school.. 970.00 for this bike was not cheap..






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Bicycles and motorcycles are terrific fun……….. today’s world with people texting and talking on the phone they’re just too damn dangerous for the streets. I probably own a dozen motorcycles, purchased another one just two months ago. I haven’t started any of them in years. I just enjoy owning them now………. I’m not willing to take the chance Of going down the road. Last August my best friend here in Florida was at a stoplight light with his girl waiting for it to turn green, when the F150 drove over them………..they were lucky to live………..and minding their own business. Naturally,t he guy had no insurance. They are maimed for life. 

My 1972 Ossa……we were a dealer when these were new. Reliving my childhood by buying the memories. They were great times. Still searching for a 1931 Henderson KJ.




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I need to get this running again. I wanted to sell it..


I may by pass the gas tank..


My neighbor will love me.. It has a straight pipe on it..


I will have to run it once the wife leaves the house..  Still have it after 44 years...




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Pet Peeve - don't hijack a post. It's not about self driving cars.


I'm doing better... but I'm in a long haul recovery.


For those of you who are subtly attempting to pass the blame to bike riders...







QUESTION:  Had I been walking across the street (where I had the right of way) would you be saying the same thing?  (don't get me started here)

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Peter, good to read you are healing but I know you will be sore and ache for some time.

I agree with your Pet Peeve - TOTALLY.

Blame - bike riders here in the village where I have lived my whole life, are fairly conscious of the stop signs ( that apply to all people on wheeled transportation) . The younger bike riders too are mostly respectful.  As has been mentioned the distraction is from cell phones and other electronic media when the focus should be 100% on what is going on around in the area being traveled in, people are to self focused on their needs and have less respect for the safety and well being of everyone else.

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Problem with motorcycles and bicycles is regardless of right of way, your still messed up or dead. Sorry just doesn’t cover it. Money doesn’t help injuries that are thirty years old when you can’t move/ride/drive/play. It’s why I gave us certain fun thing in life as I age……….skiing, motorcycles, bicycles, and white water rafting. Four surgeries later after my last Colorado Big Water trip………I’m too old for that shit now. 

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28 minutes ago, edinmass said:

Problem with motorcycles and bicycles is regardless of right of way, your still messed up or dead. Sorry just doesn’t cover it. Money doesn’t help injuries that are thirty years old when you can’t move/ride/drive/play. It’s why I gave us certain fun thing in life as I age……….skiing, motorcycles, bicycles, and white water rafting. Four surgeries later after my last Colorado Big Water trip………I’m too old for that shit now. 

I'm not disagreeing with your that its prudent to change your lifestyle as you age. Common sense.


Doesn't change the fact that people ride bikes.  People ride motorcycles. People walk across crosswalks.  They have the right of way. It's not out of line to expect automobile drivers to follow traffic laws and respect the right of way of bikes/motorcycles/pedestrians. (not to mention common sense) Not "seeing" someone is simply inexcusable. We should ALL be hyper vigilant when we drive at all times.


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Here in Florida, they literally say if you don’t like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalks. At traffic lights down here, red doesn’t mean stop……it’s a suggestion to possibly take your foot off the throttle. Certain intersections near the shop are so bad we literally do not drive on those streets. 

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4 minutes ago, edinmass said:


Here in Florida, they literally say if you don’t like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalks. At traffic lights down here, red doesn’t mean stop……it’s a suggestion to possibly take your foot off the throttle. Certain intersections near the shop are so bad we literally do not drive on those streets. 


I realize that that was an attempt to be humorous. Considering my injuries, don't expect me to be amused.

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31 minutes ago, edinmass said:

it’s a suggestion to possibly take your foot off the throttle. 

Or slam it to the floor.

A left turn situation around here almost got me when about the fourth car was running the red and my clutch pedal was all the way out by then.

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Peter….. not trying to be funny, it’s asinine the way people drive down here. I would really like one of those new electric assist bikes to run around town on……..but it’s simply insane as a pedestrian down here. Those little electric scooters the kids have are used by people with DUI’s to get around………they go 35 mph down the center of the street daring you to cut them off. 90 percent of my old car driving is early mornings before 8am for an additional safety margin…….that’s why you see so many sun rises in my postings. It’s the only semi safe time of day.



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Ed - it isn't just Florida.


There is a "joke" that I remember from my childhood (please remember that Missouri and Kansas have a very long rivalry ;) ), one could obviously substitute different states.


The story is that all of the residents from Illinois WITH DRIVERS LICENSES were magically transported to Kansas. Raised the average IQ of both states! No offense meant to residents of either state, that is just how I heard it.


I had a big green Oldsmobile pull alongside me on my bicycle about 30 years ago, gently moved over until he ran me off a city street, and then the driver drove off laughing. That was the last time I rode the bicycle. One of these days, my son will get to sell a Schwinn Admiral "newsboy special" that I rode at some swap meets (not the bicycle I was riding when forced off the street).


Today with cell phones, even worse.


Anyway, hoping Peter has a quick and complete recovery.

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On 4/22/2022 at 8:14 PM, Marty Roth said:

A jogger turned while using earbuds and launched straight into me - and then tried to blame me. Fortunately several others took him to task and offered to serve as witness.

This just happened here last week, because a jogger was wearing earbuds:  https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/man-fatally-struck-by-train-on-train-tracks-in-calgarys-edworthy-park



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19 hours ago, Peter Gariepy said:

I'm not disagreeing with your that its prudent to change your lifestyle as you age. Common sense.


Doesn't change the fact that people ride bikes.  People ride motorcycles. People walk across crosswalks.  They have the right of way. It's not out of line to expect automobile drivers to follow traffic laws and respect the right of way of bikes/motorcycles/pedestrians. (not to mention common sense) Not "seeing" someone is simply inexcusable. We should ALL be hyper vigilant when we drive at all times.


In most places, when one is ON THE BIKE, rules of the road for vehicles, from a fellow cyclist to an 18-wheeler apply.  When one is OFF their bike, and walking alongside it, pedestrian rules apply.


Perhaps in some instances its safer to walk one's bike, using the pedestrian crosswalks at very busy intersections, (especially in a left-turn situation), as opposed to attempting at riding along with heavy traffic. 



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I’m missing something in this discussion. To me, and I’m not being egotistical, it is the responsibility of anyone driving a vehicle (car, bike, truck, motorcycle or whatever) to drive within the law but more importantly drive defensively! Watch out for people, bikes, other vehicles it’s prudent for your own and others safety. When I see a jogger or someone walking on the side of the road I move over into the other lane as long as I can. If I can’t I move over as far as possible and slow down a bit prepared to slam on the brakes. I think Peter said he was walking his bike, in most states people have the right away by law, especially at an intersection. If I see a person waiting to cross the street, even in the middle of the block, and there is no opposing traffic coming and it’s reasonably safe I will stop and let them cross. It doesn’t delay my trip by much and it gives the person a safer crossing. Peter got hit by a person that needs to learn a few things before being able to drive a 2 ton lethal weapon. Hopefully he has insurance and stopped so Peter can get some restitution from the turkey. 
Peter, mend quickly and if this guy isn’t a member of AACA make his mandatory membership part of your settlement. 
dave s 

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