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Matt as a suggestion, only use one shed as a shop. I built a new shop about 12 years ago and no matter which one I am working in the tool I need is in the other shop. I should have just added on to the first shop. You won't regret having some extra dirt. Acreage keeps the neighbors away. We see deer {substitute roos} every day, had nine in the yard last night. The little one can't weigh more then about 40 pounds hangs out at the bird feeder which is 20 feet from the dining room window while we eat our dinner every night. 

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2 hours ago, nearchoclatetown said:

The Aussies must be out driving? The ginkgo tree lost it's leaves today, we have had frost last 3 mornings. The ginkgo is the only tree I know that loses all it's leaves in about 24 hours. 

Wow I’ve never heard of the ginkgo tree. That’s pretty amazing that it does that, it must hate the cold. You guys are heading for winter and we are getting ready for summer. Hopefully it won’t be to hot this season. I’ve been busy on the 18 I’ll get some pics up. 

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10 hours ago, nearchoclatetown said:

Ginkgos were here when the dinosaurs roamed the earth. My wife insisted on having one and it may have been the first tree I planted here. VERY slow growing, after 40 years it's about 8 inches round at the base. 

Yeah I get that Doug, after 40 years I’ve been slowly growing around the base too. Too much ice cream and chocolate. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did a bit of a run up to the Yarra Glen chocolate factory this morning. Had a good Bacon and eggs breaky. Roadster went faultlessly and I did a check on the economy. Drove 132km/82miles. 21Litres of fuel. 
so I worked out the economy to be around 14mpg or 16L/100km. Which I think is not to bad when my V8 Benz averages about 14L/100. 
Is that good or bad for these old girls. 


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1 hour ago, nearchoclatetown said:

I feel lucky if I break 10 mpg, Matt. How do you get bacon and eggs at a chocolate factory? I spent yesterday with Ted at the Rolls Royce Foundation museum close by, quite educational. 

Doug These folks from Victoria have funny tastes That is why the Choc Factory has Bacon and Egg breakfasts  Plus we are upside down to you guys 


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I was going to get an ice cream on the way out but the ice cream shop wasn’t open. We were a bit early for that. They have the best ice cream there and give you 2 huge scoops. 😜
It has an all day restaurant attached to it. 

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Matt I dont think that is to bad as you have two more fuel drinkers than I do , the

1928 129 4 cylinder sedan always used to get 18 mpg and tipped the scale at 1500 kg ,1928 129 4 tourer always got 22 to 25 depending how fast you went and weather the top was up or down and was1150 kg but the Modal  A Ford truck ,1600 kg and 5 ; 1 diff and good for 35 miles an hour would get about 12 mpg most of the time . If you were planning a trip (250-500 ) miles you would always budget for 10 mpg , take an extra jerry can and mark your map for fuel every 100 miles or three hours which ever came first . bob  ps I forgot that we have bigger gallons than the us  so we get a little further . 

Edited by robert b (see edit history)
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Well, I figure that you don't have to worry about fuel consumption! As long as you get to were ever your heading and you enjoy  the ride!

I have a rally this weekend and can't  wait!  It has been too long between drinks! Plus I don't  care what the cost is,I just want to get out a drive my car!


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27 minutes ago, aunty norm said:

Well, I figure that you don't have to worry about fuel consumption! As long as you get to were ever your heading and you enjoy  the ride!

I have a rally this weekend and can't  wait!  It has been too long between drinks! Plus I don't  care what the cost is,I just want to get out a drive my car!


Enjoy your rally this weekend mate it should be great. We are doing the local VDC rally on Saturday. Doing the fuel economy is more about checking if the engine is running lean or rich. Last run I did it was about 10-12 so I leaned it of a bit on the main jet. I’m happy with it now. 

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On 11/25/2021 at 12:49 AM, nearchoclatetown said:

To all the Aussies and everyone else that follows this forum I hope you have a good holiday on Thursday. 

Happy thanksgiving guys hope you all enjoy your day. 
we don’t have a holiday over here. 

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Just had a great reunion with fellow members of the Dodge club in Victoria, Australia.

A fantastic turn out of cars! Some I have not seen before. 

I think a lot of member were very busy over the covid lock down!

Looking at the agenda for the next few day, it will a great rally! 

Wish you were all here to enjoy the run! 

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33 minutes ago, aunty norm said:

Just had a great reunion with fellow members of the Dodge club in Victoria, Australia.

A fantastic turn out of cars! Some I have not seen before. 

I think a lot of member were very busy over the covid lock down!

Looking at the agenda for the next few day, it will a great rally! 

Wish you were all here to enjoy the run! 

How many did end up coming Tez You were not to confident this morning Hope you guys have a great time Send in some photos 


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35 minutes ago, aunty norm said:

Just had a great reunion with fellow members of the Dodge club in Victoria, Australia.

A fantastic turn out of cars! Some I have not seen before. 

I think a lot of member were very busy over the covid lock down!

Looking at the agenda for the next few day, it will a great rally! 

Wish you were all here to enjoy the run! 

Take some pics;)

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The VDC had a great day out today at Jac Russell park in gembrook for our Christmas party. 
Rich’s tourer brought Santa 🎅 along for the kids. I think we both had heart failure when Santa invited all the kids to jump in it and on it. Was all in good fun and the kids loved it. 
I failed to get any pics, busy chasing grandkids around. 

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