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What year make & model is this car?


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Brass radiator, carbide headlights... it is most likely a 1914 Model T Ford, but could also be a 1913. The easy to spot difference is the shape of the door, 13 is square bottom and 14 is rounded. Sadly I can’t see behind Grace or Uncle Bill.


Great period photo!

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If it were a '13 or '14 it would have a jog in the windshield. The only difference in windshields for those two years is that one folded inward and the other folded outward.  They also would have support arms going down from the center bolt of the windshield to the floor.   This c.ar does not have them.  With the absence of a filler board between the windshield and the firewall, I would believe it is a '12.


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14 hours ago, 41 Su8 said:

If it were a '13 or '14 it would have a jog in the windshield. The only difference in windshields for those two years is that one folded inward and the other folded outward.  They also would have support arms going down from the center bolt of the windshield to the floor.   This c.ar does not have them.  With the absence of a filler board between the windshield and the firewall, I would believe it is a '12.


Unfortunately, Burl Dean and little Grace are perfectly positioned in front of and (intentionally?) obscuring the true shape of the windshield frame and any bracketry! I've seen this happen enough times in old photographs  to believe it is no accident, but rather it must have been universally done on purpose to confuse future automotive sleuths.


The way the top strap attaches to the windshield support bracket, as you can see  just above Miss Grace's head (Thankfully, she forgot to keep her hat on!) makes me think it is a 1913-'14. Earlier Fords had a slightly different method to secure the top strap to the windshield, and (more importantly) they also had a set of  long metal stabilizing bars running from the folding hinge on the windshield down to the front corners of the frame on either side that are not present here. 


The headlamps are E&J "666" model units, but I cant tell if they are all brass (1911-1912) or have a black painted body with brass trim (1913-1914). The sidelamp looks like a Jno. Brown model "10", again, painted black with brass trim, and the horn below it also appears to also be painted black with a brass trim ring. Both of those features would be present on a  1913-1914 T, but not on earlier cars.


You have posted some great photographs to the forum!

Edited by dustycrusty (see edit history)
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