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New car conundrum

Matt Harwood

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Two weeks ago, my lovely wife who loves me very much, bought me a brand new Buick Regal TourX. She was so happy about it and gave it to me with a big bow wrapped around it and it was all pretty amazing. She'd heard me talking about getting a new car, as my Cadillac CTS wagon was getting shaky, and the TourX was on my short list because I really like wagons. It's a handsome car and there's a lot to like about it: all-wheel-drive, good space, and it's a Buick. My wife gave it to me because she loves me and she wants me to have everything I want.


And unfortunately, I hate it.


I should clarify and say that I don't hate the car, specifically. I hate the electronics. Nevertheless, it's still miserable to drive because of the computer constantly trying to be smarter than me.


There's a system that wiggles the steering wheel if I veer out of my lane, which means every time I turn a corner, the wheel shakes because it sees a line on the road that I'm crossing. So I have to turn that off every time I get in the car. 


The entertainment system is not only needlessly complex and counter-intuitive to use, but it is also broken--the radio pre-sets have not been available for about 8 of the 12 days that I've owned it, so I can't change the channel (there's a recall that might fix it, but I have to go to a dealer to get it). Worse, even when the radio is working correctly, it literally takes like two or three seconds between when I press the button and when it actually changes the channel. Even though it's technically hands-free, I still look down at the radio EVERY TIME--it feels broken simply because it takes soooooo long to change the channel. Hell, the 80-year-old radio in my '41 Buick changes channels INSTANTLY. Why can't this computer do it at least as fast as a clock spring and a knob?


The navigation system is completely buggered and is missing a microchip that I may or may not be able to get, so it might never work. Not that I care, I can use my phone, but it's there yet it's broken on a brand new car. Not particularly confidence-inspiring work, there, GM.


There's also a long list of warnings and feature acknowledgements I have to go through every single time I start the car before I can see any of the gauges. You are using driver position #1. OK. Lane Departure Assist deactivated (because I deactivate it every time I get in the car). OK. Cold weather, use caution. OK. Look behind you when backing up. OK. Automatic headlight control is off (another thing I hate and turn off every time I get in). OK. I have to click through all these stupid menus just to see the stupid speedometer EVERY TIME I DRIVE THE CAR. I'm going to wear the paint off the OK button before the car is 6 months old.


Today while driving home it's a little cold outside l so I tested the heated seats. They sort-of work, but gradually turn themselves off after about 3 minutes (my drive is only 3 miles) and barely get warm. I can probably warm the seats better with a fart if all I have is 3 minutes. If I want to burn my ass off, well, that's my business, don't you think? I really don't need GM and the computer looking out for the safety of my posterior here.


And even though it's a relatively robust 4-cylinder turbo, it still sounds like a 4-cylinder and that means it sounds pretty cheap. 


Of course, new cars don't come with manuals anymore (because it costs too much to print a 900-page encyclopedia), so I tried to download one from Buick.com. Sadly, the website is as crappy as the radio. When I finally find the manuals page and try to download one, I have to log in. I create an account and log in, but I have to give them a VIN. Oooops, sorry pal, that VIN is taken by someone else (because my car was actually owned by GM and on display at The Tubes, so I'm not the first owner even though Melanie bought it from GM). So I can't even download a manual to  try to solve some of these other problems until I get them to change the VIN to my account, however the hell you do that.


I hated a lot of the electronic crap I got from GM with my Cadillac (and they paid me a fairly big pile of money after their automatic tailgate maimed my hand and customer service told me to shove it), but here I am again with another GM product that's even more frustrating and making me even more miserable.


Last week I bought a 16-year-old Audi A4 with 98,000 miles on it that someone chopped into a pickup truck and I friggin' love it. Everything works (and works the way you expect it to) and it doesn't feel like it's trying to outsmart me. I turn the key and it starts. There are no warnings other than the seat belt chime. When it gets dark, I have to turn on the headlights myself because I'm a grown man who notices when it gets dark outside. When I press a button on the radio, it goes to that station instantly. I'm thinking maybe I'll drive that little Audi all winter instead of the new Buick and hope Melanie doesn't notice. I'll let her think I'm trying to save it from the winter weather.


I am bitterly saddened to admit I don't like my new car. My introduction to it has made me hate it, GM's execution has made me hate it, the poor engineering has made me hate it, and the preponderance of features that nobody needs or wants has made me hate it. And it would just break Melanie's heart for me to say anything about it, so I have to keep it and smile and pretend I love it.

I don't know what to do. Probably nothing and just suck it up. Oh, poor me, my brand new luxury car isn't exactly what I wanted, right? Whatever. I'm just really bummed out and I can't even talk to my wife about it... ever. It'll be like keeping a pretty big secret from her and I'll have to do it for the next 5-10 years or however long this car lasts.


And all that makes me really, really sad.

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The last new vehicle I bought was a 1997 Chevrolet Suburban. Recently, I wanted a Crossover. I first researched Buicks and since I refuse to drive anything made in Korea or China, I passed on the Buicks. I had a particular overall length that I wanted so I could fit it where I wanted to park it in the garage, and I needed sufficient front seat hip room for my disabled wife. In my climate, I wanted light colored cloth seats and a few other particular options. (For some reason almost all of the cars at the dealerships here have black leather upholstery which is uncomfortable with our heat and humidity.) I figured out that the perfect vehicle for me was a GMC Acadia. My local GMC dealer found a 2017 Acadia equipped like I wanted it and got it here. It has some really neat electronic features, including being the first vehicle in which I have actually used bluetooth on my phone. I reallly like it and I understand why I see a lot of other Acadias on the roads here.  

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@Matt Harwood  This is GM's shame.  It hurts to read it.  It is one of the reasons I cannot believe the ad's from the car companies where someone calls an anonymous phone number and the "new" car shows up at the house, without a test drive.  


I don't know you other than from this site Matt, and I have never met your wife, but to me it does not make sense for you to keep your feelings about this car secret for as long as the car lasts.  The way I see it you won't drive it often so it will last even longer!  You have the Audi for now, why not let Melanie know you have some concerns about the Buick and then bring it back to a dealership and let them sort the problems for a week or two?  You may still dislike some of the "features" ( which I agree are ridiculous and unnecessary) but at least you should have some of the irritants fixed so you can enjoy the car and use it up.


For what it's worth, my 2013 Regal GS has a version of that turbo 4 cylinder and it is a VERY satisfying car to drive!  But I don't have any of those annoying "drive by itself" features... Hopefully there is a way to make the default start up so that they are off.  

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  I read your post and the excitement you had when you got it. I felt it too, as I had thought I would like one very much if I had a chance. But they were never sold in Canada, and thus are very rare. I'm sorry it's not working out too well for you.

 The very late model cars have so much stuff in the interest in convience and safety that it is a bit scary to me as well. My wife has a 2016 Envision, bought new, which she loves. It has the lane assist, but it is easy to turn off, and stays off. I suppose they really don't want you to be able to do that any more, so that's why they make it a pia to turn off. The thing that bugs me about the technology is that it is so imperfect. My daily (not GM) has an auto collision warning, but is old enough not to have active braking. Just as well. The thing is I've had so many false triggers, I now have it permanently turned off. Scared the you know what out of my wife on night that she swerved thinking there was something in her way, but it was only someone on the sidewalk. I've had it trigger on tight turns on a highway, and god knows what would happen if it could decide to lock the brakes up when it's not necessary.


 I am sorry I cannot say what you should or should not say to Melaine, however, I would guess being the smart and intuitive woman she is, she will figure something out somewhere along the line!

 Auto headlights I'm a fan of. I'm also a grown up, and smart enough to realize it's dark and I need my lights on. I do like them for the ease of operation, but I see so many cars driving around without headlights on, because the dash is lit you don't get the clue its getting too dark because you can't see your speedo. Not so bad in the country where we live, but when I go into the city where the street lights are pretty good I always see a few cars without their headlights on.


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I would like to decide what features I would like on a new vehicle, BUT NO it already was decided for me. My wife purchased a 2020 Kia Soul with lane departure warning, I was driving down the expressway and a semi was broken down on the side of expressway and the trailer was hanging out just a little on the edge of the highway, I turned the steering wheel slightly to the left to avoid the semi, and the steering wheel jerked to right as it sensed the line on the road and I almost hit the semi, I did not hit the semi, but came pretty close to it.

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You have just described why I no longer buy new vehicles, in fact, the newest vehicle I own is a year 2000 Tundra pickup truck that I bought used 12 years ago. The newest Buick I own is a 1970 Wildcat, and the newest daily driver I own is a 1992 Chrysler LeBaron convertible. I refuse to buy or own or work on any GM vehicle later than 1981 because they are a technological nightmare and full of plastic that breaks after a few years in our Texas heat and sun, the first time you take it apart. I cannot diagnose any vehicle's problem if it is later than a 1981 model because of the electronics. For the last 20-25 years I have gone to old Mercedes diesels for most of my daily drivers, because they have no electronics, no "check engine" light, and they are relatively easy to work on during the few times that they need repair. I have never paid more than $4,000 for one, and if you take care of it, it will last for 300,000 miles or more. I do not like the styling of any of today's cars--they are all jelly beans or SUVs and that is not my style.  Okay, I'll shut up and get off of my soapbox now. Your post touched a raw nerve with me!

Pete Phillips, BCA #7338

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Why reinvent the wheel.


Best Green Acres Episodes | Episode Ninja


"Now Dear, for six months I will drive your Chrysler wagon and you drive the new car. Then we can make a decision."


One of my cars had 148 microprocessors and two network communication buses. But I have learned a whole lot about those digital analog and monologue systems. I think the monologue parts are the ones that talk to me.


Oh, forgot to mention the Buick Enclave we had. OnStar was supposed to be programmed with the prime directive: "To serve and obey. And not issue more than three 90 degree turns in the same direction." Ask my wife about that second one.

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1 hour ago, 60FlatTop said:

Why reinvent the wheel.


Best Green Acres Episodes | Episode Ninja


"Now Dear, for six months I will drive your Chrysler wagon and you drive the new car. Then we can make a decision."


One of my cars had 148 microprocessors and two network communication buses. But I have learned a whole lot about those digital analog and monologue systems. I think the monologue parts are the ones that talk to me.


Oh, forgot to mention the Buick Enclave we had. OnStar was supposed to be programmed with the prime directive: "To serve and obey. And not issue more than three 90 degree turns in the same direction." Ask my wife about that second one.

Didn’t they buy their cars from Mr. Haney?

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40 minutes ago, Y-JobFan said:

You are the first person I have heard that didn't LOVE their new TourX, sounds more like user error


Oh really? I'd love to hear how it's my fault that the radio and navigation systems are broken? I'd love to hear how it's my fault that it needs me to press the OK button between three and six times every time I get in the car. I've love to hear how the heated seats turning themselves off before they even warm up is operator error. I'd love to hear from an expert even though I've poured through the manual and found nothing to explain any of the issues I'm having other than "that's just how it is." 

Do you know something I don't? Let's hear it. I'm listening. Be a hero and show me how it's done.

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Tonight I will drive my 2006 Ford Focus to the shop.......it has three options from the factory. Automatic, A/C, and a radio. Nothing else. It’s great because nothing electronic breaks. Don’t need no fancy junk that I never use. I do enjoy the 38 mpg at 75 mph when on long trips. When it dies, I will buy another ten year old stripped down Ford again........with low miles just like this one. Cheap, basic, efficient everyday transportation. When I want to feel special, I jump in a pre war car. I like living in a small and simple world. My favorite thing is to park my 1200 dollar car next to some guys 400-800k super car at the fancy restaurants here in Palm Beach. My favorite thing that happened down here in the last five years..........coming out of a very high end restaurant at 9 in the evening in my shop uniform. It’s got a car logo on it, and another dinner guest mistook me for the valet while standing on the sidewalk waiting for my car. He handed me his claim check and and said.......it’s the 140 Jaguar........do you know how to drive a stick? I said sure I can drive a stick......I drove three Duesenbergs today....but I don’t do post war cars........so you will have to wait for the kid who is an actual valet. The group of his buddies burst out laughing and were bent over and almost gasping for air. I then politely informed him if he had a 120MC, I would consider parking it for him. Left with a BIG smile on my face.....in my little 14 year old Focus. 

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As a person who is provided a brand new company vehicle every 2 years, I completely agree and get everything you said.  I have hated each new one more than the previous.  There are just so many “features” that try to tell me how to operate the vehicle.  None of them work all that great.  My current vehicle (a 2020 Traverse) has a feature that will automatically brighten and dim the headlights.  Who in their right mind thinks that would work?  After trying it (I really don’t know why I did) I quickly determined that I know what is courteous, not this vehicle.  I think if I used that often, someone would end up shooting me.  My radio presets have done the same thing sporadically on my last 3 vehicles.  Sometimes they just don’t change.  The good thing for me—it’s not my vehicle.  

At the very least, give me knobs and buttons rather than touch screens.

My newest personal car is a 2002.  

The image and debt obsessed market for these new vehicles just keep on buying them.  It’s a really strange dynamic.  

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I have to agree with just about everyone here but no one is ever going to give me a new car so I won't ever have that problem. My "driver" is my newly purchased '77 Blazer - very basic, low mileage etc. I paid too much for it from the Blue Book perspective but it's worth every penny in the ease of repair and the electronic garbage I do not have to endure.


I was also amused by Ed's story about being taken for the valet. I've several similar stories, including going to look at a car for a friend. He's in Texas and I'm in RI so he asked me to check it out, take some pictures, and report back. I was given the most ridiculous "cock-and-bull" story by a well-known antique car dealer who obviously took me for a rube whose notion of an antique car was a '65 Mustang. The car was so bad I didn't even bother to take the photos...and I should add, that the gentleman in Texas is a knowledgeable Packard guy as well as being the best machinist I've ever bet - the sort of guy that can make his own splined hubs to match a set of 1920s Dunlop wheels.

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1 hour ago, Matt Harwood said:


Oh really? I'd love to hear how it's my fault that the radio and navigation systems are broken? I'd love to hear how it's my fault that it needs me to press the OK button between three and six times every time I get in the car. I've love to hear how the heated seats turning themselves off before they even warm up is operator error. I'd love to hear from an expert even though I've poured through the manual and found nothing to explain any of the issues I'm having other than "that's just how it is." 

Do you know something I don't? Let's hear it. I'm listening. Be a hero and show me how it's done.

It's obvious you have contempt for the car and probably any new car for that matter.  These cars have had rave reviews and I personally know of 9 friends with them and probably a dozen others owned by various club members and again, rave reviews.  Did I miss where you took it back to the dealer for the issues?  Let your wife show you how things work and you will be fine.  These same gripes from all the old fuddy duddies that can't go along with change sound like every old codger for the last 7 decades as the new cars come out.



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Knowing Matt.........I will take him at his word the car is a turd..........since he has sold countless cars, and serviced countless more.............I can afford to buy any new GM/Chrysler/Ford/ major company cars....Imhave ZERO desire. I have purchased 12 new vehicles........all about 8 months apart............I get no more satisfaction from a new car than I do from a 15 year old low mileage used car. A few months ago, a guy offered me to take his new LaFerrari for a spin......I passed. Who wants to drive a sports car without a stick? Just an overpriced trophy for people with too much disposable income.

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1 hour ago, Y-JobFan said:

It's obvious you have contempt for the car and probably any new car for that matter.  These cars have had rave reviews and I personally know of 9 friends with them and probably a dozen others owned by various club members and again, rave reviews.  Did I miss where you took it back to the dealer for the issues?  Let your wife show you how things work and you will be fine.  These same gripes from all the old fuddy duddies that can't go along with change sound like every old codger for the last 7 decades as the new cars come out.


So no answers, no suggestions, just a monkey flinging feces. Pretty much what I expected.


I just went out to the car and turned it on so it could go through the whole launch process. Here are the messages I have to click OK before driving:

Memory1.thumb.jpg.1cbeb54aafaa23f64c3a358378165cea.jpg  OK.  Light1.thumb.jpg.26caeaa6f2c1c57a6f73a5b02eda8cf1.jpg  OK.  Lane1.thumb.jpg.16116a14752ceb19970d21a82b207701.jpg  OK.


Backing.thumb.jpg.41fb46c0d49d7efa3b013e6972568366.jpg  OK.  Children.thumb.jpg.8f10cd7933335dbf90adfca74b037da2.jpg  OK. Slippery.thumb.jpg.a17032d064804683ab155a20e1db385c.jpg  OK.  

Now, admittedly, that last one won't be there when it's above 37 degrees outside and that one about kids in the back seat only shows up sometimes but I don't know what triggers it--maybe my computer bag on the seat. So as few as four but maybe as many as six messages every time the car starts. I'm a fuddy duddy because I think that's a pain in the ass? Because I never had a car that needed this much feedback before it would let me drive? It isn't that I don't understand it and am bewildered by the tech--I think it's annoying and I would rather not start every journey in my new car being annoyed. Would you put up with a seat with a sharp point under your ass? Or would you get annoyed by it and want it to not do that?


Oh, and here's the OK button (the round check mark in the middle):


Zoom in and you'll note that it is already getting smudged from all the button-pushing. Note the mileage in the screens above: 1643 miles. From new. What will that button look like after 16,430 miles? 50,000 miles? How many times will GM pay to replace it so it doesn't look like shit? You wouldn't accept a $15 reproduction Model A horn button that rubs through to white plastic after using it a few times, why, exactly, am I a fuddy duddy for being unhappy with this crap on a $45,000 car? And I bet that button wouldn't be screwed up if I didn't have to push it six times every time I get in the car. See how that works?


Then I turned on the navigation system and this is what I get:


What does that even mean? The manual doesn't say. The dealer up the street had no idea when they looked at it on Wednesday. They think a memory chip in the device is missing. Can it be replaced? Does the device need to be replaced? Can the device be replaced without replacing a lot of other stuff? Will it work properly when they're done? They don't know. They asked me to bring the car back in next week and leave it for an indefinite period of time so they can figure it out. Good thing I walk to work and have other vehicles to drive.


But yeah, I'm the dickhead here.



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Possibly you should have paid attention when the car was delivered on how to operate it or if you didn't understand or it wasn't explained to you then you should have asked.  The displays showing the various items needing attention show that these items were not answered and set up initially.  You should sit in your garage and go through every program and answer so it is set to your liking.  Instead of bitching about it go to the dealer and get educated and if there is actually something wrong, get it fixed.  Let's not even pretend that new cars today, yesterday, or 50 years ago didn't come through with issues, blaming it on new cars is lame


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1 minute ago, Y-JobFan said:

Possibly you should have paid attention when the car was delivered on how to operate it or if you didn't understand or it wasn't explained to you then you should have asked.  The displays showing the various items needing attention show that these items were not answered and set up initially.  You should sit in your garage and go through every program and answer so it is set to your liking.  Instead of bitching about it go to the dealer and get educated and if there is actually something wrong, get it fixed.  Let's not even pretend that new cars today, yesterday, or 50 years ago didn't come through with issues, blaming it on new cars is lame



This is how the car was delivered because my wife is awesome (that's the parking lot at my shop, not a dealer's showroom, by the way):




It was not purchased through a dealer, it was purchased directly from General Motors because it was a display vehicle at their world headquarters. That's why it's a 2019 but also a brand new car. I didn't get the dealer pep talk, I didn't get to ask questions, I got the car as a gift from someone who loves me. It was on my short list of cars I was interested in owning and she wanted to do something nice for me. So she bought it and surprised me, because that's what awesome wives do. Had I taken one for a test drive, perhaps all this would have been apparent to me and I would have decided not to buy it. But because it was someone I love doing something incredibly thoughtful, the car is here and I have to own it. I'm trying to reconcile my feelings towards the car and my feelings towards my wife--hence this thread and asking for my virtual friends' advice. But the thread-shitters inevitably show up, I guess.

Ever get a shirt from your wife or kids and you wear it even though it's awful simply because you love them? Not so easy to be ungrateful, hence my conundrum. I don't want to spend the next several years lying to my wife because the car frustrates me. I can get used to all kinds of things. I can learn to operate anything. But when the shoes you're wearing hurt your feet, well, it can be hard to keep wearing them no matter how much you love them.


I did go to the GM dealer up the street yesterday hoping that they could just perform the TSB software flash that should have fixed the radio. Unfortunately, it fixed nothing. They don't know what is going on and don't have a solution. I am taking it to a Buick dealer next week and leaving it for an unknown period of time for them to troubleshoot.


Most of the stuff I just have to live with, which is precisely what is making me unhappy. I acknowledge that pressing a button isn't a hardship, but it's nevertheless an irritant. If I don't press it, the messages don't go away and the thing eventually starts beeping at me. So I'm obligated to do it. Every. Single. Time. And you can see what's happening to the button itself because of it. I'm sure if the buttons on your Reatta's radio started wearing thin, you wouldn't care a bit, would you? Just live with it? You don't try to fix stuff that's broken--just let it stay broken? Nobody's ever come up with a work-around for the CRTs in those cars to solve common problems? Or are you merely too stupid to figure out how to use it properly?


And looking across the vastness of the internet, I see that I'm not alone. Message forums for late-model Buicks and GMC trucks, which all use the same system, are rife with these complaints. Irregular navigation, radios that won't change stations, constantly having to acknowledge some message or other from the car instead of just driving. It is endemic to the vehicles, not to my personal form of Luddism. 


I'd sure love for you to explain to me how to eliminate the warning messages that tell me that I'm driver memory position #1. There isn't an option to disable this feature. The dealer says that's just what it does, depending on which key is used. Why the hell would someone need to know which key they're using so urgently that it's a permanent message that dings if you don't acknowledge it? I don't know, but there it is.


Tell me how to not make it tell me the status of the headlight control--I get a message telling me it's on or I get a message telling me it's off. Is there a third option there, Schrödinger? 


Tell me how to make it not be cold out? There isn't an option to have it not warn me that it's cold. The dealer says that's just how it is. At least it doesn't also warn me when it's warm. I think.


Tell me how to make it not give me a warning when I put it in reverse? The dealer says that's how it's supposed to work. Meanwhile, I'm busy looking at the warning instead of behind me--good thinking there, GM.


I guess I could kill one of those messages and turn the lane change feature back on and let it go back to shaking the steering wheel instead. Those are the only two choices.


And I'd really love for you to tell me how to make make the radio/navigation work properly. I guess I wasn't paying attention when the dealer was explaining how to make microchips. 

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Let me get this straight.......someone is smart enough to earn and pay  45k for a new car......but every time you start it it asks you six questions like “did you remember to wipe your ass this morning?” LOL........sorry, but I have to admit I’m laughing out loud....literally......not at you, at GM. Anyone who builds a car like that won’t be around for long. Do me a favor.......program that dash computer to text me every morning at six am to remind me to go to the bathroom..........and another text ten minutes later to remind me to close the lid..........👍😝

Bet it makes you miss the Cadillac that eats human flesh! 

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I wonder if the battery died while the car was on display at GM. The loss of voltage and perhaps the charging of the battery, may have effected some of the electronics like the heated seats, or one of the CPUs. I say this because I just have a new vehicle for work and noticed that the car was turning over slowly on start up, so I charged up the battery for a couple of hours. When I came back to the car both trip odometers had reset to zero mysteriously. 

The whole child in rear seat thing is a combination of opening a rear door and putting your bag on the seat as there are weight sensors in the seats. Put your bag on the floor and that should solve that.


In my wife’s car, if you place something heavy (like her purse) in the back seat, the car thinks there is someone there and starts to beep because the seatbelt is not latched. The only thing to do Is stop, turn the car off remove the bag then carry on (or latch the seatbelt with no one there which is my go to move). 

Who said new cars are fun?!

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9 hours ago, JohnD1956 said:

Regards that SD card read error, is there a micro card in a reader in the glove box?  That reader may be in either the dashboard or console glovebox. If there is one it probably has to be ejected. 


That's actually a different error.


(Not my car but I get the exact same warning.)


The car has an SD card for the navigation system and pulling it out gives me that error that says the SD card has been removed. That error is pretty common and is mentioned in the manual. But this other error has everyone scratching their heads--it seems to merely be telling me an SD card exists (or maybe that it doesn't?). Nobody's ever seen that message before and I can find no mention of it in the manual or anywhere on the internet. Note that the error number code is different. Is it the reader? A separate card inside the radio is missing or broken? Faulty programming? Nobody knows so they'll start diagnosing it next week. The guy at the first dealership says the cards/radios/navigation system are all coded to the VIN of the car so replacing any part of the system might be problematic in terms of compatibility. He also heard that replacing SD cards is not covered by warranty, but doesn't know if that covers all of them or just the removable one.


7 hours ago, dmfconsult said:

The whole child in rear seat thing is a combination of opening a rear door and putting your bag on the seat as there are weight sensors in the seats. Put your bag on the floor and that should solve that.


In my wife’s car, if you place something heavy (like her purse) in the back seat, the car thinks there is someone there and starts to beep because the seatbelt is not latched. The only thing to do Is stop, turn the car off remove the bag then carry on (or latch the seatbelt with no one there which is my go to move).


Thank you for that information, that makes sense. A silly thing, but at least the operation of the mechanism is understood now.


Guess I'll stop putting things in the back seat. Why would I possibly want to put things there anyway? It's not like it's the most convenient place to put stuff when you're driving alone.

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While it is not an electronic issue..... after I purchased a new GMC extended cab in 2011,  my wife could hardly climb into the cab.

Also when you lowered the tailgate it was about chest high... meaning if you were to load something you first had to lift it up to your chest to get it in the bed.

I discovered that all GM pickups have a 1 inch plus riser block on the rear axel/spring..... could not understand why,  I removed it and the tailgate lowered about 2 inches. 

adding aftermarket rear shackles I got the tailgate down another 4 inches (I also put 2 in drop front spindles to level it out.... I would still like it lower but at least I can get in with a step. 

Recently I discovered why the riser blocks were on the trucks..... there is a measurement call the "departure angle" measured from the rear wheel to the bottom of the bumper....

not sure who establishes this measurement but it seem to be called a truck it must have something like a 23 degree angle....so they added the riser blocks to meet the angle requirement. 

Also.... our 2017 Enclave has navigation,  it is so complicated I take my Garmin with me so I can find things.

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The TourX was tempting for me, but months ago I decided that I'd stick with my 2001 SAAB 9-5 Sportwagon. 2.3L four with a turbo. Lots of power. The five-speed manual really makes it fun to drive.  I know that SAABs have their own set of issues, but I've been very happy with this car. Had it since 2004. Only 100k on the odometer.

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18 hours ago, Barney Eaton said:

adding aftermarket rear shackles I got the tailgate down another 4 inches

That will also help you have a set of shackles that won't break off like the factory ones. It is a common event to hear a big bang and have your spring slap against the frame rail when the shackle breaks on your Chevy truck. Those and the steering intermediate shaft are things GM has ignored for decades.


"Oh. it's a Chevy. They do that."  Great image for some hick in a farm town to have of GM corporate executives. But a lot of us do and they earned it.

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FWIW Matt, I'm with you -- I'm going to keep my '04 Silverado with 250 Kmi until it eventually dissolves in my driveway.  Now, to your original question...


I suggest taking Melanie out to dinner in the car so she can see it in action.  If, after the dealer has had a shot at it it's still a dud, I suggest you have a 'heart-to-heart' discussion and tell her just how much you love her, the thoughtfulness of the gift, but that the car is just not what you expected.  I'm sure she'll understand and if she really loves you she'll be glad that you respect her enough to have that crucial conversation.  It's been my experience that suppressing your feelings about the car will only cause them to be expressed in other ways that risks truly hurting her feelings.  So, give GM a chance to make it right, but if it still isn't enjoyable to drive, don't fool yourself into thinking that you can simply suppress your true feelings.

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Obviously, the car was delivered with everything activated.  So the owner could see what they liked and then could turn off what they didn't like.  Should ve somethung in the DIC Settings to do these things.  ONCE you learn what's going on and why, it'll not be quite so annoying, from my experiences.  No owner's manual CD in the spare tire sell with the cargo net?


It gets better . . .



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On 10/22/2020 at 11:08 PM, Matt Harwood said:






It was not purchased through a dealer, it was purchased directly from General Motors because it was a display vehicle at their world headquarters.



Call me and we can talk.  This statement does not sound right.  Last time I checked, GM only sold cars directly to Federal Government and the Red Cross. At least when I worked for Buick Division.


Maybe something changed.

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I kind of suspect that the care and feeding of those display vehicles is handed off to a contractor of sorts.  Which might still look like GM, but is a rep of GM.


The number of activated features might seen over-whelming  in their shere numbers, Just calmly run through the DIC Settiings to see what's there and then how to best deal with them.  Might not be quite so onerous, when done!  Main thing is to get rid of the "Dismiss?" questions!  Just do NOT "Return fo Factory Settings" when done!!



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Back when a lot of these new technologies first came out, I was in a new Acadia.  I pulled into the Hampton Inn parking lot, against the hedges,  Suddenly, the seat bottom started to shake.  I stoipped, so did the shaking.  Right side shakes, one thing.  Left side shakes, another thing.  Whole base shakes, it thinks you're going ti HIT something!  I laughed.



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Thanks for all the feedback. I will give the dealer a chance to figure things out before making a decision. However, I might delete this thread--someone texted Melanie and told her about my complaints so I guess this train is coming off the rails sooner rather than later. She's pretty upset and the rest of my weekend is gonna suck.


Anyway, if anyone else wants to reach out, please don't text our phone numbers. Send me a PM on this forum, OK?



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I kinda lost it at the old fuddy duddy comment....yep, us old guys are really dumb....funny thing is, those young guys who state such will be old one day (if they’re lucky), and the youngsters will be calling THEM fuddy daddies, and they won’t understand how they got there...yes, I’m that old guy who drives the speed limit and ‘ when young, I used to criticize for being an old fool....but I don’t want my fortunate life to end in a foolish wreck...

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12 hours ago, Matt Harwood said:

Thanks for all the feedback. I will give the dealer a chance to figure things out before making a decision. However, I might delete this thread--someone texted Melanie and told her about my complaints so I guess this train is coming off the rails sooner rather than later. She's pretty upset and the rest of my weekend is gonna suck.


Anyway, if anyone else wants to reach out, please don't text our phone numbers. Send me a PM on this forum, OK?



That is what I was afraid of. It wasnt me.  I would never do that sort of thing.  

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On 10/23/2020 at 4:59 PM, Barney Eaton said:

While it is not an electronic issue..... after I purchased a new GMC extended cab in 2011,  my wife could hardly climb into the cab.

Also when you lowered the tailgate it was about chest high... meaning if you were to load something you first had to lift it up to your chest to get it in the bed.

I discovered that all GM pickups have a 1 inch plus riser block on the rear axel/spring..... could not understand why,  I removed it and the tailgate lowered about 2 inches. 

adding aftermarket rear shackles I got the tailgate down another 4 inches (I also put 2 in drop front spindles to level it out.... I would still like it lower but at least I can get in with a step. 

Recently I discovered why the riser blocks were on the trucks..... there is a measurement call the "departure angle" measured from the rear wheel to the bottom of the bumper....

not sure who establishes this measurement but it seem to be called a truck it must have something like a 23 degree angle....so they added the riser blocks to meet the angle requirement. 

Also.... our 2017 Enclave has navigation,  it is so complicated I take my Garmin with me so I can find things.

The fact that manufacturers are coming up with step plates, multi function tailgates, and drop down steps to get in the bed is an obvious admission that the trucks are too high. Why?  I had a 2015 F150 that had running boards, that drop down steps thing, and i looked like a midget in tbe seat.  Going into a Chicago parking ramp was harrowing.  You get one shot after all!  

This is all stupid keeping up with the Jones mentality.  My truck has to be bigger than your truck.  I replaced the F150 with a Toyota Tacoma.  Also average price of a new F150 is $56,000, about half the price of my home. 

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12 hours ago, trimacar said:

the youngsters will be calling THEM fuddy daddies, and they won’t understand how they got there


Why am I thinking of Pliny the elder and Pliny the younger, must be this thinking has a history.


The "new" part is dealing with artificial intelligence and the biggest problem with that is humans designing it.


Those so called fuddy duddies tend to be more equipped for "artifactual intelligence". Seen it all my life, grew up young.

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I feel your pain regarding "new" cars.

Ruth drives an '02 Dodge Grand Caravan with 265K on the clock.

Other than tires, and brake pads, (which i did) she has not spent a hundred dollars on her car since we bought it in '04, w/ 36K on the clock

She would not trade it for the world !

My driver is a '14 Chrysler T&C with 105K on her now, purchased in '18 with 31K on the clock.

I would not even consider anything newer than a 2015 from any make!!!!


So your solution is to take that black thing behind your new car, send it to Dave Kindig, get an LS-1,  a 9 speed auto Tx, add disk brakes, and bag the 4 corners, and drive the crap out of it !

Just like "Leno" did with his Roadmaster.



Mike in Colorado





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I think you are on the right track by taking it back to the Buick dealer. I would suspect these types of complaints are common and that is why the oe manufactures have invested so much in personnel to train the dealers to help customers with tech issues. The next step, if you are not happy, would be to get the dealer to set up a meeting with the GM Service representative. 


It is a good looking car I hope you can enjoy it.



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