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Help Identify - Ford Script Box - what is it?

Peter Gariepy

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As 137hd45 stated - The Model T has a commutator directing four coils - one for each spark plug. It was so simple back then to trouble shoot an engine electrical problem. If your car was bucking, sluggish or missing you could pop the coil box top from the drivers seat and short out each coil one at a time to find the bad cylinder - then replace the plug or the coil. You could easily exchange say coil # 3 with # 4 to isolate if it was the coil or the plug Ford coils are fairly plentiful and unless tested good - make a good old "Ford" paperweight.

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

Correct answer! 18 million T's multiply by 4 per car and you get 72 million. I have used one for a paper weight too.

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Back in the ole days they made great spark coils for spark transmitting radio's as well, for the low budget home radio experimenter. Quite a few articles were written about this. Of course spark transmitting would likely land you in a heap of trouble with the FCC these days. I remember hearing stories as a kid about folks hooking one up to the bumper of their car and kissing bumpers of the car in front of them to give folks a shock, and lots of other shocking stories. Most of I imagine were tall, or perhaps not so tall tales as well. I remember digging one up in the mid 60's along with a magneto magnet and a spark plug in the field by the house. At the time it was a neat find. Still have the magnet and the spark coil, not sure what happened to the spark plug over the years. Probably lost in a move, or still buried in a box in a closet. Not like I'm a packrat mind you...


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