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Carb Help Please - Urgent! Urgent


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I have a `66 225 with a 401cu engine and I have a carb dilemma. The book calls for a 4GC carb on the 401, but I have a 4MC which is supposed to be for the 425. So either the manifold is either off a 425 or the 4GC and 4MC have identical mount plates. Anyone help clear this up???

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The 4GC, goes is for the 401, it has four squirters and the barrels are all the same size. THe 4MC is a quadrajet, 1st year, came only on 425, but some have swapped to 401s. THe q-jet has 2 little, barrels and 2 bigger secondaries, hence the intake manifolds are much different. Hope that helps.<P>------------------<BR>Roberta<BR>BCA TREASURER 2000-2001<BR>BCA PRESIDENT 1998-2000<BR>BCA VICE PRESIDENT 1997-1998<BR>WEBMASTER<BR>Director-Michigan Chapter- Gran Sport Club of America 1989-Present<BR>http://www.geocities.com/buickracer<BR>1956 Special 2 door Sedan<BR>1966 Wildcats<BR>1968 GS-400 Convertible 4-speed<BR>1970 GSX Stage 1<BR>1970 Skylark Racecar - 11.26, 118 MPH, 7/22/00<BR>1986 GN, 4800 miles

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