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1955 Buick Super 2Dr HDTP w/Factory A/C

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Hello there y’all! I am not sure if this is the correct place to pitch this offer or not but, I’ll do it anyways in hopes that it’ll reach a much larger audience than that which I’ve previously tried. At any rate, due to reasons beyond my control in the recent handful of months, I’ve ended up getting myself tied up in a very complicated financial situation that has me in the immediate need for money! I really, REALLY do NOT want to throw in the towel and give up on myself with completing my restoration work on my 1955 Buick Super cars (yes, I have TWO of them!) and so, what I’m proposing is to get a COLLATERAL LOAN (or, am willing to sell both of them with everything else that pertains to them, FOR A REASONABLE OFFER ONLY) from ANYONE that has the financial capital to be able to afford to do this for me. For the party that would consider providing me with a loan on these, I’d be putting both of my 1955 Buick Super 2Dr HDTP’s up as the collateral, INCLUDING all of the associated items that I have collected for them, as a complete lot, for a period of four (4) months for me to either pay back the loan in full PLUS an additional $500.00 as the profit to whomever is capable of making this loan available to me. What I need currently is a minimum of at least, $4,500.00. At the stipulated, agreed upon end date of this loan, I would be obligated to either pay back the loan + $500 or, if for whatever reason, at this time, I can NOT pay it off, the lending party would have the choice of either taking possession of the collateral in question or, we arrang at that point to sell off everything for the generated sale funds to repay the loan PLUS at least $500.00 over the original borrowed sum. Contact me at: This is an old post; I’ve removed my personal phone number. And now, the pictures that I have put together of the cars/stuff in question. The car with bad primer is my earliest 1955 Buick Super 2Dr HDTP, which I originally purchased back in 2002. It is the car which I have been slowly restoring over the years. The second 1955 Buick Super 2Dr HDTP that I’ve acquired a few years back, originally just as my donor vehicle, has since been decided by me to restore as well but, only as a “original patina, derelict driver” car with its body remaining as it looks, just mechanically/electrically restored with new upholstery. This “donor” 1955 Buick was originally assembled with the rare 1955 Factory Buick Air Conditioning System. I have also acquired another complete 1955 Buick Factory Air Conditioning System that is intended for eventual installation in the first 1955 Buick.




Edited by Sean Batiz
Removed phone number. (see edit history)
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I think it might be easier for me to continue with adding the additional information in separate segments here, instead of just one, extremely long, run on topic. These next pictures will hopefully show you the totality of this collection, in several segments. This 1st pic is of a layout of the various, complete A/C system. The last pic here, shows that I do have two original A/C fans, one for each car. Oh, forgot to mention earlier that the front bumper that’s rather beat up and just sitting on the ground in front of the 1st Buick, was in that shape when I originally bought that car. It’s never been straightened up or mounted yet. The 1st Buick is currently at the stage of having its body prepared for getting bead-blasting on a rotisserie unit. I have made a video that is of a “walk-around” of all of the various parts and angles. Not sure yet on how to include this video.





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This collection of original materials of literature, maintenance, accessories and other related items, is exhaustive and very thorough but, for whatever reason, I cannot seem to figure out how to include the rest of the necessary pictures of these items or, any of the videos I’ve made that covers the whole collection. For now, I’ll just have to probably be sharing these additional pictures or videos directly with whomever out there contacts me about this proposed collateral loan. Again, my number is, 1(951)640-9846. Hope to hear from some of you soon! Thank You!

Edited by Sean Batiz
Some grammatical errors. (see edit history)
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I still “might” entertain the idea of selling both cars with everything else that I have collected for them, for a ‘reasonable’ offer; I’d just prefer this to be a loan instead, so as to afford me a second chance at possibly fulfilling my original objective of restoring them and being able to enjoy the THRILL of driving them and showing them to others, if at all possible. No bank  or lender that I’m aware of, are willing to offer any kind of a collateral loan or, vehicle title loans for ANY classic car, unless the car is already fully restored.

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Hi, Sean!  It might be a good idea to let folks know where the Buicks are located!  I see a CA black plate and your area code indicates Riverside.  Good luck with your projects and finances!  Greg

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YES! THANK YOU Mr. Greg! I completely forgot to mention that. These ARE located in Riverside, Ca. I still “might” entertain the idea of selling both cars with everything else that I have collected for them, for a ‘reasonable’ offer; I’d just prefer this to be a loan instead, so as to afford me a second chance at possibly fulfilling my original objective of restoring them and being able to enjoy the THRILL of driving them and showing them to others, if at all possible. No bank  or lender that I’m aware of, are willing to offer any kind of a collateral loan or, vehicle title loans for ANY classic car, unless the car is already fully restored.

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  • 3 months later...

Hello there to anyone who has either previously read my above plea/proposition  or, to anyone just reading through it for the first time now, I’m now currently in a good position to continue my attempts of restoration on my projects without any help from a personal loan from anyone so, please disregard the above mentioned information “BUT”, if of course, anyone out there is just swimming in excess cash 💰 that they don’t know what to do with, I’m always available to accept donations for the advancement of said projects‼️

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