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48 Ford throw out bearing

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I cannot find the replacement numbers that you gave in the 32-48 chassis parts catalogs, can you please recheck the P/N. I did find a 59T-7006 that is a floor shift trans.


The 49 and up used the 7006 case for both side and top shift transmissions, but I could not find the numbers that you gave in my catalogs.These cases did not have the integral bell housing.

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My mistake the original 48 ford car transmission part number is 01A 7510.Don't know what case I have now but throwout bearing doesn't hit the three levers on pressure plate.

I'm looking to borrow an original complete 48 transmission and put in to see how that works. Got to be a difference in case.

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I just checked out my spare trans and the center of the cross shaft is about 2 inches from the front of the case. After doing some thinking about your problem, I think that your problem is due to the linkage. On my 40 Merc any lost movement reduces the adjustment range and when the cross shaft and pedal bushings were worn, I had a very difficult time adjusting the clutch after installing a new clutch.


Check for lost movement in the cross shaft, it should not move front to back when the pedal is depressed. Check for lost movement in the pedal shaft and the cross link that goes to the cross shaft. The ball for the cross link or its bushings could be worn or out of position. The slot for the cross link that fits over the cross shaft could be worn, also.


Let me know how you make out.


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To  19tom40  I checked measurement on center of shaft to front of case and it was 2".  When I bolted pressure plate and disc to flywheel the three pressure plate fingers go quite a distance towards flywheel. When I push clutch pedal down the throw out bearing doesn't hit the fingers. My throw out bearing is new is about 1" thick. I am wondering if I have the wrong one. Too bad throw out my old one. The clutch disc is same thickness as old one. If the fingers didn't go in towards flywheel I think it would work. I have tried 2 old pressure plates and clutch disc and have same problem. I have adjusted clutch leakage as far as it goes. Call Van plett but were closed today. Got an old FORd mechanic coming to look at it Sat. Do you have any ideas. thanks for your help. I have replaced clutch years ago and had no problems.

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