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Good Idea????????

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It is a "Do as I say, not as I do thing". I am thinking about flying to the Buick Nationals in Denver a few weeks from now. I see there is a Tesla in Denver. I thought about renting an Escalade for the same money. I would use the service.

Although I wouldn't offer up one of my cars, I think the number of clowns taking a car would be small. There has always been a group who would abuse something nice that another person owned, but they were never the type who would reach into their pocket to pay for anything.


Look around, people willing to lay out the "capital" to buy an item that can potentially provide a "service" to others has been common for a long time. Oh, there's a name for that, what is it?


Actually, I would trust a millennial a lot farther than I would the redneck yahoo's I grew up with. I'd feel safe. All those yahoo's are old guy's now and the first thing they'd say is "I'm not spending My hard earned money renting someone's car". There is one level of screening right there.


I bet most renters are under 45, well under.


Edited by 60FlatTop (see edit history)
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The ones around {mostly exotic's} here use GPS tracking to make sure the car isn't exceeding the speed limit. Hefty upcharge if the renter actually drives one above posted speed. Don't know if big smoke shows would be detectable however.

Greg in Canada

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Back in the mid '60s , Prince Bandar and I had Maseratis in Seattle. I recall an ad he placed : "Rent a Maserati" (!!). I have absolutely no idea how that went. I was such a total selfish jerk with mine that I only let my dad and one friend drive it. Well , dad was dad of course , but my old high school friend has a Maserati 450S now. Hmmmmmmm.............. : does he owe me ? Hmmmmm........... : If he lets me choose , i think i'll pick one of his M-Bs. How about the '29 38/250. Took BOS at the "Bash on the Beach" last Summer. What do you think a 3 day weekend rental of that beast would run you ? 


I am more generous now. I let any capable driver enjoy the experience of driving my rare cars now. As long as i am in the car. Whether it is my crashbox oldies , up to my V12 M-B SL600. But NOBODY is going to rent solo time on any of them. Not even YOU !  


My guess is that this would-be entrepreneur is somewhat naive , maybe even foolish. If serious , this seems a rather good deal. I am close enough to Boise , here in Central Washington ; might be worth a visit ! Maybe I could even wangle an audience with you , X'. As with all the guys and gals here , I would LOVE to see your great creations ! Xpecially your XK 120 project. That is one mean looking machine ! Have you had time to advance it recently ? I really wish i could do a 3 day weekend rental of that Corvette at his rate ! I could afford that. Now if Bruce would consent to a similar 3 day run of his 38/250 , I am sure my entire humble middle-class net worth would fall short of HIS rate ! 


Thanks for posting , X'.  Very tempting. And yes , Spinney' , my friend , i think that is a smoking hot deal. Fly on up here while the deal is on. I will pick you up at the airport , and you can hang out at the ranch with me while you tour the Northwest in your Rent-a-'Vette !  -  CC

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Well, being automotive selfish has nothing to do with really bad ideas. I will go out on a limb, and say that leasing a high performance sports car to anyone on this forum, is a bad idea.  About the Jag, it is sitting under a cover waiting for me to find a building to lease. I have half of my shop jammed into my dads shop with two cars and three lifts. And a three car garage at this house stuffed with two cars and shop equipment. People really wanted to derail a business. Very large story out here, that is going to be told. Everyone says stand up and do the right thing. I can tell you for a fact that the bigger the story, the tougher it is to stand. It was Freddy Mercury that said " I have been given a sentence and committed no crime". You can stop by anytime Cadillac Carl. We can knock back a few beers, and I can tell you a story that you just might see in a movie one day. So here I sit, waiting to try and move my business to Boise. I have logged a lot of miles on the Hudson truck driving around, burned a lot of fuel, speaking of fuel, well, I will save it for the movie. I have been listening to a lot of music to pass the time. Here is a good song you can listen to Carl, I hope Natalie does not mind me posting her video on this forum. And if you look close Bernie, you can see some finger pointing in there. What a story America can tell, not being a fan of kool aid. I did not shut my eyes and play along. But I sure have taken a few shots, and the hits kept coming. 


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Handing the keys to a high-horsepower car to just anyone is a recipe for trouble. The first time most inexperienced people drive a fast car, they put their foot on the floor just to see what happens. What happens happens so much faster than they're accustomed to managing that the car gets out of control so much faster than they could have imagined and they don't have the skills to reel it back in. It's why first-year performance cars have a rather alarming attrition rate as the rookies buy them and screw up. Fools who think they have skills having driven a medium fast car finally have the means to get a seriously fast car and they get in over their heads almost instantly. Where do you think all those YouTube videos come from?


I remember that you needed an SCCA competition license to buy a Mustang Cobra R in 1995 and the early 2000s. That was ostensibly to insure that it was going to be raced, but it also ensured that the guys buying them were capable of managing them. That's not a bad idea.


Today, they'll sell this weapon to just any guy with a large enough checkbook. 840 horsepower. The first production car to pull the front wheels off the ground. 9-second quarter mile times. It will go from 50 to 150 in less than four seconds. It is faster than many race cars and is fast enough to be illegal at most drag strips. It's friggin' amazing, but unless you're John Force or Dale Earnhardt Jr. or Lewis Hamilton, you just don't have what it takes to manage that car with your foot on the floor. Your brain isn't geared to process what is happening as it's happening at those speeds. Jethro telling his buddies, "Hey, y'all, watch this!" is going to get in over his head almost before he's done saying it. You're going to hurt yourself, someone else, or you're going to die. Sorry, but you don't have what it takes to manage a car that fast. You just don't. Very few people do.




I guarantee anyone who rents that guy's car is going to want to find out for himself where his limits are...

Edited by Matt Harwood (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Matt Harwood said:

 The first time most inexperienced people drive a fast car, they put their foot on the floor just to see what happens. What happens happens so much faster than they're accustomed to managing that the car gets out of control so much faster than they could have imagined and they don't have the skills to reel it back in.


You mean like this guy on the day he bought a BMW Z4? :rolleyes:



Edited by Lebowski (see edit history)
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