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There are certainly more important questions I should be asking, and I will discover them when spring weather lets me resurrect my 77 four door sedan. I can hardly wait!  In the mean time, I have the original winged radiator cap on my car, and wherever I park it I feel compelled to remove the cap.  That is easily done, as assuredly others with sticky fingers are aware.  I don't want to lose it thus my two questions.  Is there a plain substitute for the winged cap available that I can put on the car between car shows?  If not, what have others done to prevent theft of the cap?  I have thought of making a chain arrangement with a bar dropped through the opening on the radiator so long that it would require some careful manipulation to extract the assembly.  There are probably better ideas out there, but right now they evade me.  I would appreciate any suggestions except "Leave the car in the barn."  


There are more than a few on e bay. Search Vintage radiator caps and/or Antique radiator caps. Just make sure you measure the neck of your rad.  

Thieves broke my original cap trying to steal it.  I bought a new stainless replica (cost more than the car did new), and two flat caps from e bay.  Two years later my old cap was advertised on e bay.  I called the police in Seattle, had to send them the broken piece so they could prove it was my cap.  I got my cap back and a guy got charged and fines.

Unless I am standing by the front of my car I always remove my mascot and replace it with a plain cap.


American Arrow Company might be able to repair your broken winged cap. You might want to check with them. Also you could fasten a stainless steel chain to the bottom of the cap and a spring loaded spreading device so the cap can not easily be removed. I saw them somewhere !  I too keep a close eye on my caps. A friend lost his small clips the covered where chrome trim joined together on his '49 Mercury. They just snap one but are hard to find. Your always going to have a few bad apples in the barrel!

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