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Mystery automobile photo

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This photo of automobile was published in FB-page here in Finlland. The page is for postcards and old photos showing seeneris of city of Turku. I am trying to identify the make of the car. To me it looks quite large - maybe 7-passenger Touring. The steering wheel is on right side of the car. So the make can be European or early US. Somebody said that it could be Essex but it looks little too large to be Essex. Any ideas of the make of this early car is greatly wellcome.

auto tku matkustajakoti tahti pelkka auto.jpg

auto tku matkustajakoti tahti.jpg

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In Finland, it's a 1919 Essex (based on the headlight shape), a 5-passenger touring, export model (RHD), body by Fisher.

The NZ car is probably a 1920 Essex (again based on the headlight shape), also a 5-passenger touring, export model (RHD), body by Fisher, but with cowl lights (not on US cars) and accessory second windshield.


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