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Too Much Time On My Hands


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A photograph of what is believed to be the only Zapmobile in existence.  It was found in an abandoned garage outside Ashtabula, Ohio by Thomas "Chuffy" Heidkamp in 1963.  Chuffy always meant to restore the car, but after pulling it out of the garage, it languished in his backyard until 1987 when he was killed in a freak accident with the automatic milking machine in his barn.  A bitter family dispute over ownership of  Chuffy's car collection ended in the infamous Ashtabula Shootout.  Thankfully no one was injured, but it took twenty two years of litigation before what was left of the car was finally awarded to Chuffy's son-in law, Carl "Shifty" Munson.  Unfortunately, in 2013 the car broke into three pieces during an attempt to load it on a trailer in preparation for transport to Barrett-Jackson.  Shifty decided to keep the car, repairing the damage with J B Weld and chicken wire.  It will go up on eBay sometime in the near future with a reported reserve of six-point two million dollars (American).



Edited by Taylormade (see edit history)
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Funny, it's much easier to make these computer modeled cars shiny rather than rusty.  I spent about an hour to apply the blue paint in the ad after I made the car.  The rust took about five hours to apply.  Anyway, this was a lot of fun, hope you had a laugh ot rwo.

Edited by Taylormade (see edit history)
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