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Yesterday, I posted a topic about the unusual numbering on a 1930 Hudson with Marvel carburetor.  Without repeating the information in that thread, I blew up the chart in the service manual so I could read it without a microscope, and compared ALL of the Marvel identification numbers to those in the parts manuals. As ALL of these numbers are prefixed by the number 10, I will not repeat the 10. Here is a summary:


Parts book     Service manual

 685                      686              1928 Buick Standard

 687                      688              1928 Buick Master

 717                      718              1929 G.M.C.

 733                      723              1929 Essex

 739                      740              1929 Nash

 776                      783              1930 Hudson

 780                      779              1930 Essex

 940                      941              1931 Nash

 946                      947              1931 Essex

 950                      949              1931 Hudson

 997                      995              1932 Essex (early production)

1511                   1505             1932 Essex (late production)


Just to give an example of the complete number: 10-685 is also 10-686.


Other numbers were the same in both the parts manuals and the service manual.


I have now entered all of these in my database, so if you call with one of the "different" numbers, I will not tell you I have no record of the number.



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