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Buick special 8. 1937. 40 series parts

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Guest Chacho

Ignition parts and flywheel

1937 Buick 8. 40 series




Welcome to the AACA Discussion Forum.  The best source of good used parts for Buicks of that vintage is Dave Tacheny. I think he has more 30's Buick parts cars and part than anyone else on the planet. You can call Dave at 763-427-34.60. It is usually easiest to reach him by phone from 4 pm to 7 pm Central.


For reproduction parts such as the ignition parts,  I typically recommend http://bobsautomobilia.com/


I would also like to suggest you consider rejoining the 36-38 Buick Club. You can find the club's new website at:http://www.3638buickclub.org/

You can download an application on the Membership page. If you would like to see a sample of a recent issue of the club's newsletter, Torque Tube II, just let me know and I will be happy to send you a pdf copy.


And, if you want ignition parts -- such as the Points, Condenser, Cap, Rotor, and Plugs --- I have NEW ++ AMERICAN MADE ++ parts -----

rather than have to deal with the repro parts from the "other side" of this earth......

You are welcome to call me -- Craig -- 516 - 485 - 1935 .... Long Island, New York.....

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