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My car's ownership history


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About a year and a half ago, I contacted the Henry Ford about getting the build history and purchase history of my vehicle.  They were able to supply me with the build information but unfortunately the ownership records were destroyed in a fire some time ago.

As a child of a different generation, it is hard for me to fathom the propensity of the Depression-era generation to save any and all sundry items.  My grandparents' accumulation of six decades however has yielded some interesting things amidst a sea of seemingly useless stockpiled items:  one of which seems to be the ownership records of one 1938 Lincoln Zephyr.

It was originally purchased at Cashman-Condon Motors in Newbury, Massuchusetts and it came here to Detroit in 1968 to it's second owner.  My grandfather bought it in 1972 (the year I was born) and it came to my hands in the fall of 2015.

It was through my aunt's diligence that this information came to me.  She knows my affinity for such things and she put it aside for me.  I know you all can appreciate the fact that that one question has been answered.

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