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1930 Marquette Marvel carb. air filter

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Looking to buy an air filter from a Marvel carb for my 1930 Marquette model 30 2 door sedan, 6 cyl.

See the pictures for description, Thank you for any information, God bless Peter Floral City, Florida

filter 1.jpg

filter 2.jpg

filter 3.jpg

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If you are willing to make one of these, they are not too difficult to make yourself, or to have a sheet metal person make one.  This is an air filter from a 1926/27/28 Buick Standard.  Dimensions are as follows:

4 1/8" OD on the rolled edge.

4" can OD

4 1/2" long

1 7/8 ID on the inlet connection

24 vanes

This just pushes into the carburetor.

If you need any further dimensions, let me know.  Maybe you can find a can with these dimensions at the grocery store or on Ebay. Lots of old Coffee cans that would fit these dimensions once cut to size.     Hugh


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