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Search: Oilpump for 1923-25


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Hi Carl ,thanks for answering..

It's for a friend of mine...he worked in a Gear manufactory and they try to build the gears new...

the originals are damaged.

They have problems with teeth module , the clearance  of it and the correct  distances of the axleshafts...

Do you ,or someone else here have datas, maybe blueprints or any measurements for this Pump ?..

Or is it impossible to find it?

Thanks so many ahead..

Do you have more information about to  fix a  (wich) Aircraft Pump onto the Caddy engine?....

Sounds absolutely interesting ??..

Greetings Jenz

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Hi Jenz ! In my new pump , the gears are original. The pump housing and the flanges were made in order to put a full flow filter in the line. New bushings were made to the shaft dimensions. If your friend can make gears , the shaft diameter amd centers at the crank case could be determined by the existing bushings , or to a new bushing if you need to make them. The gear face profile and pitch could be determined by the remains of the original gears. At the new housing , machine according to the new gears. But I think it is possible to find an oil pump. There are still parts engines with friendly owners. The "Early V8 Cadillac" yahoo group might be able to find one. I will place a posting there for you. Tell us more about your friends Cadillac. Do you have pictures of it ? Is he in the Cadillac & LaSalle Club ? That also could provide an oil pump. They are certainly a simple device , but the dimensions and tolerances are critical. Do you  have an international telephone service like Skype ?  - Carl


P.S.  My car is a 1924. I think the oil pump is the same for 1922 - 1925 . Perhaps earlier also. What year is your friends car ? If you will be making gears , once you have the set up , it would be a good idea to make a run of the gears and housings and flanges. I am sure that you would have a market for these in order to incorporate a filter. I will propose this also on the yahoo group. It would also be a good idea to put a priming port in the modification . More later.

Edited by C Carl
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Hi  Carl,

I'm very appreciated about your Offer..

I will give this infos know to my buddy...and may be you can have directly contact with him.

Sorry but I don't know nothing about the owner of the car/ Customer .

I do it for my buddy who has ask me for any sources of parts for this...

Normally for me are straight eight Buicks are my case , but I will help here if I can.

I will give you a sign, next time.

Carl,thank you very much at this time.

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I would be happy to help your friend find an oil pump. I do not think it will be extremely difficult. How well does your friend speak English ? The only other language I speak is Spanish. Yes , it would be a very good idea if he and I are in direct contact.  - Carl

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They need a moment ,because of the fellow who have contact with the owner of the Caddy , is next week again in the shop at work.

I hope then a personally contact will  come off.  

I think your language won't be a problem.

Thank you... :)

Greetings Jenz

Carl,I have send you a PM .


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