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Options that were from the factory


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I'm looking for the list of factory options that were available for a 1950 Buick Roadmaster 76R. I believe there is a booklet or something. Anyone know where I can get it. I've looked on ebay occasionally but no luck.

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This is from the "Standard Catalog of American Cars 1946-1975"<BR>Convenience Options:<BR>Parking Brake release warning light, Cushion toppers, License frames, Handy-Mats, Visor vanity mirror, Tool kit, Full Wheel Covers (standard on 70 Series), "Breeze-Ease" draft deflectors, Outside rear view mirror, Safety Spotlite with mirror, Multipurpose trouble lamp, Tissue dispenser, Glare-proof inside rear view mirror, Seat covers, All-rubber floor mat, Auxilliary driving lamps, Exhaust pipe trim, Polishing kit.<BR>Book does not elaborate on what these different things actually are. Hope this info is somewhat useful.<P>------------------<BR>Boyd Shuler<BR>Orangeburg, S.C.<BR>65 Riviera

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