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New dodge owner

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Hello all. I recently bought a nice 1925 dodge sedan. I haven't done much more the. Start it and drive it off the trailer. Can I get some help from you guys on the dos and donts? I plan to mess around with it for a little while and then possibly let someone else enjoy it later on. 


Whats the the best way to know how to adjust the timing on the steering wheel?


many thanks





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All that has been done. I am going to be checking over these things though for peice of mind. 


Ive always been a ford guy and a hot rod guy. But the last few years I've came to appreciate a nicely original car. And liked the way these cars are built. A customer of mine had it and I couldn't pass it up. 


Thanks the warm welcome


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39 minutes ago, JFranklin said:

You should look for a correct owners manual, it will help with the basic stuff. 

I agree. The instruction book/owners manual/book of information can help you learn the starting and running of the car. You can get one at Myers Early Dodge....


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I have a '26 touring which is when they went over to six volts with a separate starter and generator.   Your sedan looks to be in great condition.  It will be a 12 volt with a combined starter/generator and a 3 bearing engine.  There are 3 similar engines A B C - yours is probably a B.  These cars are becoming more rare in good condition so we all hope you will be able to find a buyer who also wants to keep it stock.  I appreciate your background and absolutely applaud you for keeping it stock.  Hope you get a good price.



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