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Name That Car


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Here's a photo of some early cars parked in a field.  You sleuths who enjoy identifying old cars can test your skills on figuring out the makes and maybe the year.  I think the one on the far right is a Buick.





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Model T Ford on the far left. Next is maybe a Dodge Brothers coupe and then about a 1925 Chevrolet. Yes....the one on the far right is a Buick. Can't see enough of the one behind the Model T to tell what it is.

Edited by keiser31 (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, Dave Mellor NJ said:

Looks like that T might be a center door


I agree, around 1921 or 22. My grandfather and his younger brother drove one from Boxboro Massachusetts to California in the mid to late 20's following the agricultural route (planting and harvesting along the way for the money to continue forward) saving many photos and memories along the way. I bet it was a lot tougher "ride" than they made it out to be...

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