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How do I get the accumulator ball off at 15° TEMP

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I have a titanium impact.  Took me a week to find it when I tossed it in the wrong place!  I tried working another useless one off the spacer with no results using a 5' breaker bar in vise.  I have the 8 mm allen doohickey for the ball and the proper wrench size but....?



Don't tell me to wait till spring!  This is the wife's winter TC.


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I got it off.....I wound up using the vice grips as tight as possible and a ball peen hammer on them after failing the other way.  Now for a test drive..... the lights come on with 8 super FAST pumps on the pedal but not with with half second pumps at all.  This is a yellow tag used accumulator that was inspected and certified good.


If you don't hear from me again,....l must have messed up.....again....    .......

It got up to a balmy 40° today,.

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I use both the allen wrench with a cheater plus a strap wrench around the outside of the ball......together that will break them loose without damaging the allen wrench socket.

If you can get 2 normal brake pumps before the pump come on, you are safe....more pumps is good but when the pump comes on with one pedal push start looking for another accumulator.

I also use the fluid drop in the reservoir as an indication of the accumulator condition.   Reasoning....if the precharge is high, less fluid is pumped into the accumulator.

All my experience is with the Teves ABS on Buick Reattas and your resevoirs may be shaped a little differently.......however on a Reatta

With the system pressurized,  mark the fluid level on the side of the reservoir (I use some tape and mark on that).  then turn off the key and pump the brake pedal until it gets hard.

mark the fluid level.  It will now be higher because the fluid that was in the accumulator is now back in the reservoir.   This measurement of the difference is your reference point.   On a Reatta

when the difference get to 1/2 inch start saving your $$$ for a new accumulator.

Do the above and post the measurement you get along with the age of your accumulator....hopefully someone with a new accumulator will be posting and that will be the gold standard for a good accumulator.

Also...if you are using an accumulator from another source than Teves, the size and precharge may be different and will affect this reading.

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