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Ford Model A head with 1937 casting date! $250 see photos.

George Albright

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Rare Model A Ford head with 2-26-37 casting date. Just out of decades of dry storage,dust and all! Nice water pump that turns freely with only about an 1/8 of an inch play. Appears to be original and little used.Do not know compression. Maybe a super small crack between the common place on two of the center cooling holes,or maybe just a casting line. Cant tell by the naked eye. The head gasket will take care of it either way. Super cool rare piece. Appears to have ben cast by Ford and not an aftermarket due to casting tag. $250 plus $40 shipping George Albright,Ocala,Fla.  email  gnalbright@gmail.com  cell weekdays only 10-4 EST 352 843 1624








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