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Hershey Golf Cart Policy

Roger Frazee

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Can someone tell me what the policy is regarding golf carts and other vehicles at Hershey?  My wife is suffering from a temporary leg injury and will not be able to walk while at Hershey.  We do not own a golf cart but we do own a John Deere Gator.  Would that be permissible?  

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Walkers are normally looking at the parts and not where they are walking and people may step in front of you if they don't hear you coming.


If you use a golf car I would recommend dragging a soda can behind you tied to the  cart with a piece of heavy string.  I have heard numerous carts clanking their way up behind me, but it is the silent ones that will get you every time.

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1 hour ago, Vila said:

Walkers are normally looking at the parts and not where they are walking and people may step in front of you if they don't hear you coming.


If you use a golf car I would recommend dragging a soda can behind you tied to the  cart with a piece of heavy string.  I have heard numerous carts clanking their way up behind me, but it is the silent ones that will get you every time.


Oh, God, please use something other than the can on a string! I think that's the sound you hear just before you snap and kill everyone at the truck stop. Ban the cans!

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I thought the only people who were supposed to be on golf carts were official Hershey Region or AACA meet volunteers.  This has been discussed before.  Many golfs always sneak in every year, though I don't know why.   It's pretty obvious when you see a pick up truck pull onto the field carrying a golf cart in the bed what they're going to do.  They should be stopped at the gate and not allowed onto the field until they lose the golf cart.   3 or 4 wheel electric personal mobility devices I have no problem with, golf carts I do.   It is not discriminatory or against any law that I know of to not allow golf carts.   How many golf carts do you see at Disney or at amusement parks?         

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Many times the carts are observed cruising the aisles looking for parts only to stop suddenly while the occupants leap from their carts and rush to examine something then jump back into the carts and off again. Now go ahead and try to convince me everyone riding a cart at Hershey has a physical impairment. It's obvious AACA authorities have no interest in stopping the cheaters.

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13 hours ago, trimacar said:

Yes, a Gator is a little bit of overkill and wouldn't be allowed, but if you can get a golf cart or similar, you can register and use.  You do not need to provide any proof of handicap, just register it...


50 minutes ago, barry22 said:

Many times the carts are observed cruising the aisles looking for parts only to stop suddenly while the occupants leap from their carts and rush to examine something then jump back into the carts and off again. Now go ahead and try to convince me everyone riding a cart at Hershey has a physical impairment. It's obvious AACA authorities have no interest in stopping the cheaters.


Last year at Hershey I was required to produce my Handicapped placard to get my golf cart registered. By federal law it is illegal for anyone to ask the nature of your handicap or even to ask if you are handicapped when you display a Handicapped placard. AACA would be on very shaky legal grounds if they denied a handicapped person the use of a personal mobility device, be it a scooter or golf cart.

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Jeff (Restorer 32) is right.  AACA and the Hershey region have to abide by ADA Rules and a consent decree with the state.  Pure and simple the law must be obeyed.  Please also be aware that some people have handicaps that are not noticeable to the eye before you automatically pass judgment. 


Golf carts are dangerous in an event the size of the fall meet.  I have one at my disposal but most of the time if I am staying in the same field I walk.  It is hard for pedestrians to navigate but also hard on golf cart drivers as people are oblivious to them, will walk in front or someone will yell out to a car driver and he is distracted.  Tough situation for all.  As we age there is more and more demand for a cart, I have two knees that need to be replaced, metal rods in my feet yet walking the flea market is still the most fun (not that I get to do it more than a couple of hours each year).



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And in PA there is a division of state government that lives to prosecute anyone who disregards ADA rules. Discriminate against a handicapped person and it will be your tax money, if you live in pa, that pays an attorney to prosecute you. Not saying it's right but them's the laws folks. Do some folks take advantage of the rules? Of course they do, but nothing  can be done about it in today's world.

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You can use ANY device necessary for you to get around, even a tractor trailer. I had a run in with Hershey officials years ago for my severely disabled father using a gas powered quad. They called the police on us........fortunately a Federal Judge was on hand and explained they would bankrupt the meet if the didn't let him use the machine. That seemed to clear things up very fast. I think any reasonable device that can be safely operated is fine, and the cans don't bother me. But PLEASE yield to the walkers! Ed

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The following pictures are from my 2016 Hershey packet.  The heading on the page is : Hershey Region AACA Important Notice & Regulations.   


It states at the bottom of the page, and I quote: "No motor bikes, Segways, scooters, mini-bikes, motorcycles, 2-or-3 wheel bicycles, golf carts, or any other private motorized carts will be allowed to operate on the meet grounds for the safety of our visitors, vendors, and members.  Failure to obey this rule will result in removal from the grounds and pre-registration mailing list."


I'm not making this up, I am simply restating what the Hershey Region states in their space registration Hershey packet.  Maybe part of the hard feelings towards golf carts is because every year it's stated in writing they are not allowed, but then they show up and nothing is done.  If Steve is right and nothing can be done to stop them, then this verbage needs to be removed from future flyers in the Hershey packet.       








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Nothing can be done to stop a handicapped person from his right to mobility and nothing will.  Now, the use of motor bikes, Segways, scooters, mini-bikes, motorcycles, 2-or-3 wheel bicycles, golf carts, or any other private motorized carts for someone who does not fit the criteria under the ADA can be enforced by the event and landlord. Most people abide by the rules.  Some naturally think they are above them.  This is a huge safety issue as we have had too many pedestrian/golf cart accidents over the years.  AACA and the region ask for cooperation by everyone to eliminate potential for someone being harmed.


I do not have the consent decree and information handy and have not read it in a number of years but the agreement entered into by all parties involved did allow the event to restrict certain devices.  I guess it is time to drag it out.  There are stipulations in the ADA act that do in fact protect the event:


           the type, size, weight, dimensions, and speed of the device;

  • the facility's volume of pedestrian traffic (which may vary at different times of the day, week, month, or year);
  • the facility's design and operational characteristics (e.g., whether its business is conducted indoors or outdoors, its square footage, the density and placement of furniture and other stationary devices, and the availability of storage for the OPDMD if needed and requested by the user);
  • whether legitimate safety requirements (such as limiting speed to the pace of pedestrian traffic or prohibiting use on escalators) can be established to permit the safe operation of the OPDMD in the specific facility; and
  • whether the use of the OPDMD creates a substantial risk of serious harm to the immediate environment or natural or cultural resources, or poses a conflict with Federal land management laws and regulations.

So, if everyone cooperates we can have a safe event for all and those that need devices are able to maneuver safely as well.


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I do not envy the Hershey Region of the AACA, as they not only have to coordinate a huge show, but they also have to deal with all the details that are involved with same.


Yes, they bring in big money, and yes, there are great benefits to being a Hershey Region member (largest region, I believe?), but the headaches of dealing with VERY LITTLE DETAIL and HOW WE WORDED IT and OH MY GXX....don't envy them a bit, no sir, not a bit....


There are regulations on registration of any motorized vehicle for the show, so you have to read the entire passage in context, and this is taken from the wonderful, truthful in all ways, web for AACA, so:


May I use my personal golf cart to travel around the fields?.   AND  

Q:  Unauthorized Moving Vehicles

A:  You can use your personal electric mobility vehicle--2 occupant maximum--(no gasoline powered vehicles) after it is registered with the Hershey Region. Registration sites will be  located in the Hersheypark service center,  on the West side of  the Giant Center and in the Hershey Region Main Tent.  Register by showing your state issued handicap parking placard.

A:  For the safety of our visitors and members, moving vehicles,  including bicycles, motorbikes, scooters, roller blades, skateboards, mini-bikes, motorcycles and privately owned motorized carts, are not  permitted to operate on the flea market, car corral or show fields. No gasoline powered vehicles permitted.

EXCEPTIONS:  Handicap registered, electric scooters or electric golf carts.  To  register your electric vehicle for handicap use, go to the Scooterbug office located in the Hersheypark service center, or the site staffed by the Hershey Region located beside the Giant Center, and show your state issued handicap parking placard.

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To comment on dragging cans, I'll stay out of the other arguments, I also find it very annoying hearing cans banging along. I find that those that get an old wrench or a piece of chain and drag it to be much more pleasant noise.

See you all in a couple of weeks.


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On 9/20/2016 at 7:10 PM, DamnTheTorpedo said:

Good information.  Now one more question.  Are electrical outlets available for charging golf carts overnight?  I do plan to bring a car hauler and will have the car hauler and the golf cart in the trailer parking area.


Can anyone in authority answer this question? I have an electric cart that will need to be charged. Are there places that will allow me to plug my charger into the wall to recharge my cart? Could I plug it into an outlet near the rest rooms?



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tramcar, what do we need to discuss the weather for, it's going to rain, it's HERSHEY. This will be my 48th year. I know this sounds crazy, but I miss the days of 6" deep mud and tractors pulling out stuck cars!

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Carlisle is operated as a business, and you have to pay admission to get on the grounds, so there may be different rules in force that don't apply to an "open" market.  I don't think you can, in any case, refuse to honor a handicap vehicle, but I believe you can specify what kind is allowed.  Supermarkets provide seated, powered, shopping carts, for example, but an ATV wouldn't work nor be allowed.


I say it every year, there WILL be weather at Hershey, rest assured of that fact.  I don't know if it'll be good or bad, but it'll definitely be weather....

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As Matt states, according to a Map Quest aerial view of Hershey, there is a charging station adjacent to Chocolate World. I can't say if the stations are for cars only. As we, the hobby ages more and more of us will need charging facilities.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The rules are not enforced regarding scooters by Hershey security.   So many years of these guys running into people, near misses etc.    The more gaps between vendors, the worse it will get.  My grandfather was embarrassed to use one, said if you stopped walking you were done.  He drug himself around with a walker until he died at 92. 

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  • 6 years later...

An older friend got stopped & questioned for riding his mobility scooter if it was registered by a Security person late Tuesday afternoon. He was moving at ‘walking speed’. 

Meanwhile people of all ages & very likely NOT handicapped were blasting by in 4 & 6 person gas golf carts, Honda trail bikes, bicycles, all sorts of other vehicles. 

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Yes, an old thread. No, rules are not being enforced at Hershey, I’m sure due to lack of volunteers.


We have all sorts of stuff for sale, but people in pwered vehicles just breeze by, never stopping to look.


What are they looking for?  A big sign which states “ROGER, STOP, HERE IT IS!”   !?!?

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1 hour ago, CarFreak said:

I don’t get it, vendors were packing up to leave yesterday. Why even bother showing up. Was the weather too nice for them? Did they want rain?

What did they say when I assume you asked them why?  Hopefully it was not  an emergency at home.

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I've actually seen volunteers telling people to get off their bicycles and doing their best to enforce at least that rule. I've also seen plenty of jerks flat-out ignore them.


The problem isn't necessarily enforcement, it's people who think the rules shouldn't apply to them.


To combat some of the problem, I positioned our A-frame signs between the cars to discourage cart people from trying to drive between the cars to get a better look. It seems to be working.



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People should be policing themselves. Those that have to be told are the ones most likely to ignore the authority. I cannot find fault with those trying to enforce the rules, just the idiots that do what they selfishly want to do. My knees are just about to the point of being worn out but I will persevere!

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I just talked to some folks at Hershey.

Seems likely like many folks are 

on some type of motorized transport.


If you are going to plan any event

for a demographic that has repeat

attendance and they are aging where

traversing great distances by foot

then you have an obligation to 

accommodate their need to have

the necessity of motorized transport.



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