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Mystery switch and Wonderbar questions 64 Riv


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Hi, I am still waiting for my service manuals to arrive and I find myself with two questions,

1 What is that little push button switch located between the fuse-box and steering column?

2 What does the switch located between the frequency indicator and knurled bar on my wonderbar radio do?


Any help is appreciated.


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In the late 80's I was coaching a high school girls softball team.  All of a sudden a downpour opened up and we piled as many girls into my '63 that would fit.  I turned the radio on and we listened to it while the girls parents came to pick them up.  They all disagreed on the station we should be listening to.  I told them that "if you snap your fingers while pointing at the radio, the station will automatically change."  They thought I had a magic radio.  Little did they know that I was switching stations with my foot when they'd snap their finger.  I never did tell them it was me.  They all thought my 25 year old car was "cooler" than their parent newer ones.



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