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2001 Web contest


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I was working on next issue of the Brass-Nickel Newsletter and in particular an article abour Philly. In reveiwing the info handed out (the annual report) I can not find any statistics on the web contest-how many regions participated and how many winners were in each category. I found it for the newspaper contest but not the web contest. Did I just miss it altogether? Thanks in advance.

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I didn't see anything in writing, but I vaguely remember someone saying that there were 70+ websites considered. They looked at all chapter/region sites that were available from the National site. Some were built directly on the AACA server; others pointed at sites built elsewhere, such as Hemmings. Nine Master Webmaster awards were given out that night.<P>It's early going for this award. I'm confident they'll get better at reporting this sort of information for future contests.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't remember now how many awards there were, but I remember signing a lot of them. There was a problem finding email addresses for all of the WebEditors as I recall, and we plan to add a line to the ORF for an email address for them for next year. This wasn't my job (handling the awards), but as VP Regions I was one of the two people to sign those awards.<P>It is correct that this was in the embryo stage and it will be smoother in another year or two. I recall how the Editorial awards changed in the first couple of years following the first efforts in 1965

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