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Scrappage Bill Form Letter

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PeterG informed us of a pending bill in the U.S. Senate concerning funding for crushing vehicles 15 years old and older. He encouraged all of us to contact our senators and voice our opposition to this bill.<P>I can mention this in my newsletter and encourage our members to reply but you and I both know what will happen... practically nothing! frown.gif" border="0 <P>How about someone in the know creating a form letter, covering all the concerns of old car hobbiests, that could be downloaded or reprinted so that it could be included in newsletters. The newsletter page would have to be addressed to the proper senator (provided by the Editor) so that all the member would have to do is sign his or her name and send it. If it is made easy, more members may respond.<P>If all AACA Editors were to include a mail ready form letter for their members to mail in, the results may be worth the effort! rolleyes.gif" border="0 <P>What do you think? confused.gif" border="0

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Ron,<BR> The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) can help with this. Consult the SEMA document "How to Lobby Elected Officials". It is available at <A HREF="http://www.enjoythedrive.com/content/?id=8212" TARGET=_blank>http://www.enjoythedrive.com/content/?id=8212</A> <P>jnp<P>[ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: John N. Packard ]<P>[ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: John N. Packard ]<p>[ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: John N. Packard ]

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John,<P>I've visited the SEMA site and read most of the proposed bill. What I was proposing was for someone who is experienced in these things to create a one page form letter that could be downloaded by newsletter editors.<P>That form letter could be reprinted on one side of the page, the editor could supply the proper address on the other side of the page and all the members would have to do is take that sheet, sign his or her name, fold it, tape it shut and mail it.<P>I think we could get a larger response this way instead of depending on each person to compose their own letter.

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After I got the email on this scrappage topic, I immediately emailed it to the current Prez of the club as our newsletter is bimonthly & the meeting fell between newsletters. We sent a petition around & had all members sign it, made up a cover letter to send off to all officals that represented us. This may be an easier way to get all members involved in this issue. Of course I took the liberty of including this in our newsletter again just to keep on eveyone's brain. I figure it can't be said enough, as if we slack off our cars are going to be taken away from us. As far as I'm concerned, their gonna have to cut my fingers off the steering wheel! grin.gif" border="0

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