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Junior member newsletters


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Just wondering...<P>If our region decides to offer a newsletter as part of our junior membership, would it also be eligible for the newsletter contest? <P>Nothing is decided yet; everything is still under discussion. I just know the editor won't be me!<P>Jan K.<P>

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Jan,<BR>You are the first one I have heard discuss the idea of an separate newsletter for junior members within a region. It is a great idea. Please let us know if the idea matures into a reality and be sure to tell us the kind of content that is included.

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This idea is very much in the discussion stage, and we weren't sure if it should be an insert to our regular newsletter or stand on its own. <P>The key idea is for it to be written at a child's level, possibly at two levels for younger and older kids. I've suggested promoting upcoming events from the slant of what's in it for them. (It wouldn't hurt to remind the planners of various events that there should be "something in it for them.")We thought about including some basic car facts, activities to do (i.e., crosswords, wordsearches, etc.), pictures, and so forth.<P>The tentative editor suggests a one page insert, but may be persuaded to do a four-paged newsletter. I think baby steps (sorry) are needed for starting a junior newsletter. We'll keep you posted on our progress.<P>Jan K.<BR>Wis Region

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Jan,<P>I have not included any junior articles in our region written newsletter - yet. I hope to this year. When I do they will a part of the senior newsletter but will be printed so that the two can be separated. However, I have started a junior section on our web page. It has become our third most popular section following close behind 'Auto Mileposts' and 'Auto Card Shop'. <P>There is a tremendous variety that the web offers that written text does not - particularly with color, java games, etc. In the 'Kid Korner' section, I have games, jokes, riddles, and coloring pages. Some are on-line projects and some can be printed out. All are car-related and, I hope, some are educational. For example with the coloring pages, I have included a history of the car and inventor. After the kids read all the histories, there is a crossword puzzle to test their knowledge. I hope to use some of these same items in our written newsletter as it takes A LOT of time to develop each item. But I enjoy doing it and think it important to reach the youth.<P>24T42<BR> <A HREF="http://www.aaca.org/bntc/" TARGET=_blank>http://www.aaca.org/bntc/</A>

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What a wealth of info for kids! I'm truly impressed. I can see I'm going to have to take my son, Scott, for a tour of your Kid's Corner. He's a bit young for the harder stuff, but he will enjoy some of the online games. He loves mazes too.<P>I also like the "create a card" section. I've got some special occasions coming up and you can be sure I'll take advantage of it. Keep up the good work!<P>Jan K.

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

JanK, Sounds like a lot of extra work, but worth it. I am afraid that you will wind up doing it and from our talk, it seems like you have your hand full with local hoby stuff and your national tour. SalG<BR>PS I will send email soon on ideas for getting people more involved. SG

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Sal, you know better - if you can put it in an email, you can put it here (unless getting people involved means having a stripper at the next meeting). This part of the DF has certainly come to life after the AM. Great ideas and communications. Keep on the website - Father Ron

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Sal,<P>Yes..Mr.Barnett is right.<P>Please be sure to share any ideas with you have for getting people involved with us all on the DF. I beleive everyone here is always open to new ideas.<P>Bruce

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Sal, Don't worry about Jan K. taking on the extra work. She has plenty on her hands and I'm the tentative editor toying with this idea (although were toying together!). However, she'll be a wonderful resource for me if we move forward. Any comments or suggestions would be appreicated since were treading new water.<P>Patty K.

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Luckily, this time I won't have to do it. We have a real VOLUNTEER (no arm twisting at all) who stepped forward of her own accord. She's very supportive of the junior membership program, maybe because she's got a young one of her own. (The fact that we're related is inconsequential.) <P>On a related note, both she and I have spent some time educating our social chairs about child-sensitive issues. For example, the chair will set up events and then forget to include children's prices. A phone call usually gets me the necessary info, but there may be others who jump to the conclusion, "no price, no kids allowed." <P>National is occasionally guilty of the same. We brought our 7 year old along to Philadelphia this year. We didn't find out until the plane ride home that there had been a children's price for the banquet! I hadn't seen that mentioned anywhere on the mail-in registration form, this year or any other year. As a result, we opted out of the banquet this time. I was told that I should have known a children's meal with appropriate price is always mandatory at national events, but again, we can't sign up for something that isn't listed! (This should be taken as constructive criticism, not a rant!)<P>Jan K.<p>[This message has been edited by JanK (edited 02-16-2001).]

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Jan,<BR> It may be just as well that you didn't attend the banquet. Four hours in one place is an eternity for a seven year old. He would have enjoyed seeing the pictures of the cars; but the speeches and awards went on interminably! A separate activity for the youth, tailored to their interests and attention span, might be a suggestion for future meetings.<P>jnp

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The number of youth members at the Annual meeting was definately larger than in the past and will probably grow. I sent an email to Mike Jones telling him of the great job he and his committee did with the Annual Meeting. I also added a suggestion that pertained the the possible consideration of activities for younger members in the future if the trend continues to grow. <p>[This message has been edited by BruceW (edited 02-16-2001).]

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

OK OK, I got the message. But, sometimes it is eassier to compose a long message off line in email form and then log on and send it away. I wrote several real long post on things to do to liven up your club about a year ago and I need to find it on the DF. SalG smile.gif

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Believe me, I'm not advocating making children sit through any four hour banquet. I even have difficulty doing that! (That's not a criticism of those responsible, mind you, but an acknowledgement that there is no great way to get through all that needs to be done.)<P>I'm just suggesting that when options are available, such as children's dinners, they should be made known. This year we chose not to attend. In previous years, however, we have had special reasons to be there. And if we consider attending in future, it would be nice to know what our options are. (Especially since our son is already asking whether "we" will be returning to Philadelphia next year.)<P>Jan K.

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Jan K,<BR> How does a "Pizza Bash" in a separate room strike you? Cartoons for the 4 thru 8 age group and video games for the 9 and older group. A live video feed of the adults Big Party could be provided so the youngsters could see Mom or Dad receive their coveted Award if they received one.<BR> Tom

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Hi all, I have enjoyed reading this tread on youth. I support every thing that has been brought up and will work with all of you to make as much happen as possible. Let me comment on some of these topics<P>1) First I have discussed most of what you have said with Jim Cook our newly appointed National Chairman of Youth Public Relations and Fran Shore who helps me on the ?Automobile and its Parts? program and is also Chairman of Public Relations for the Eastern Division. All of us are committed to see what we can make happen this year regarding your ideas and more<P>2) As for the newsletter you would like to do -- if it becomes a publication of your Region or Chapter I would believe it would be eligible for the newsletter contest. And I will support having that happen.<P>3) Fran Shore and I have had dialog with Mike Jones this last week and are planning to have a seminar time slot for the kids so that they can attend one of their own seminars, We also have told Mike we would like to hold a ?Automobile and its Parts? program for all of the youth in the trade show area next year, so that will be on the schedule. (I wish I had thought about it this year)<P>4) At the ?How to Get the Youth involved in the hobby? seminar this year I had a couple come up and offer to host a Pizza function for the kids next year. I will make it happen. I welcome any support any of you wishes to offer<P>5) So sorry on the non- publication of the $10 kids menu. John Walker and I say that it was not on the reservation form right after we received it and got to Mike Jones and he confirmed that he had a kid?s price available for $10 and forgot to put it into the reservation form. An oversight that is corrected for this next year. (Our cost was $15 but was only charging $10). It is a policy that we put in place last year that at every National function there will be a kid?s menu of $10 or less. So please plan on it. Terry Bond VP of National Activities is looking at each reservation form in advance of going to print to see that it is displayed in each meet and tour reservation card.<P>6) It was great to see Scott (and many other kids) at the meeting and we welcome him and all other kids to join in. They are our future? It was to bad that Scott did not see himself in the Kids video presentation that I gave Saturday night. He was sitting on some rocks with myself and a bunch of other kids in Wisconsin, (I think I am sure about that)<P>7) I would like to offer any of the past 6 or so issues of the Wheels Tech Corner page that we have each month to be included in any or all of your Newsletters your clubs publish. If any would like to have a copy either Fran Shore or I have them. I will see that Jim Cook also has some to be made available<P>8) In the next issue of the Rummage Box (which is the publication that goes out 4 times a year to Presidents and Newsletter editors) Jim Cook will have an article about some of our youth objectives and projects. He will be asking ever club to let him know what they are doing in their club programs with kids, so we can put together a program booklet to let other clubs know what they could be doing. I have set an objective to have 35% of our Regions and Chapters have an active youth program by the end of this year. I hope it will be more then 35%<P>9) And last on this lengthy note. Fran has a 20 pages plus packet that we launched in Philly called ?Youth in out Hobby -- a hand book for AACA Regions and Chapters? that is available to you. I have just sent 20 copies off to Fran today, so let her know if you need a copy,<P>Jan, Bruce, Patty, novaman, Sal, Ron, John, Tom, and 24T42 and all others Lets make it happen this year.<P>Fran Shores email is ShoreinMedia@aol.com<BR>Jim Cook?s email is jac@componentgeneral.com<BR>My email is D3drake@aol.com<P>Lets keep the ideas rolling Remember ?We?ll Be There?<P><BR>Douglas Drake<BR>AACA President <P>Remember at every National meet at 1:30 PM Saturday at the motorcycle show area ?The Automobile and its Parts? program open for kids of all ages. See you there in Punta Gorda.<BR><p>[This message has been edited by DDDRAKE (edited 02-20-2001).]

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Doug,<P>Great response. As you are trying to roll out this new communication program and getting the youth more involved, it's great to see so much enthusiasm so early in the year. All the Division Chairmen are sending out their Introduction Letters to all the Regions and Chapters and Jim Cook's involvement as the National Youth Public Relations Chairman is being announced in these letters as well as some of his own mail outs. All of us with our new assignments are working hard so that every member is informed about all the programs we have for our Youth as well as the AACA members at large.<P><BR>[This message has been edited by Sharon M. Lee (edited 02-21-2001).]<p>[This message has been edited by Sharon M. Lee (edited 02-21-2001).]

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As in Jan's case, most of the members in our region have grown children. Recently when I mentioned something about youth involvement, I received the comment "YOU'RE the only one with kids!" (referring to our two daughters). However, I know there are plenty of grandchildren out there as I see them at our annual Christmas Party. I'm hoping to do something beneficial in boosting the youth involvement in our region but I see a long road ahead. smile.gif

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"Wow"! I didn't know my simple question was going to yield so much great information!<P>I must say, our region members have been wonderful to any kids in attendance at our events. In fact, my son has ridden in more of the cars in our region than I have (I'm jealous). <P>In fairness, most of our members have grown children, so event planners often forget about the need to include info and activities for the kids. But making our club child-friendly is key to attracting younger members. When I rave about the club, I tout it as a family activity. We need to back up that statement for most (not necessarily all) of the events we put together.<P>Scotty and some of the other "regulars" have been having a visibly good time at our events, though, so now some of our members have begun to bring their grandchildren along. We'll get those kids involved one way or the other!<P>Jan K.<P>

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Bruce,<P>True enough that most of the general membership seems to have grown children, but as you said there are plenty of grandchildren out there as well as more and more members, such as myself, with kids. We also can consider the time devoted to junior programs as a way of increasing standard membership. Younger people with children who are on the fence about joining the AACA might just be swayed if they know our organization is working hard to involve our youth. The junior program could really be a win-win situation for the club. The road may be long, but that's why we have cars, right? smile.gif<P>Patty K.

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Patty <BR>That was a real nice article about your daughter Rachel, I would like to get something in wheels about her, do you think she could draw some thing or write some thing that we could include, or just a write up on her from you. I will be sending a note off to Katherine Eppley our wheels editor and Jim Cook, if you do not have Katherine new address or her email address, let me know<P>

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If Katherine Eppley, our wheels editor, is willing, why not post her email address here on the forum. I'd be happy to relay it to some of our local members with kids/grandkids participating in the junior program. Maybe others would be willing to do the same.<P>Jan K.

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Doug<P>Thanks for the nice words about my article, I'd be happy to do something on Rachel for Wheels. As Jan K. indicated, if Katherine is willing to post her email address on the forum, we can share it with members who have kids and grandkids. I'm sure there are people out there with something to contribute. <P>Patty K.

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Patty<BR>I, too, enjoyed the article about Rachel and<BR>have copied it to re-print in our club's newsletter. We have several new members who have children near her age. I think they would particularly enjoy it. <BR>If you ~ or you, Jan ~ have any objections to the article being reprinted please let me<BR>know. Naturally, credit will be given.<P>Patt

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We have a published policy in The Beam stating that reprints are allowed provided proper credit is given to both the publication and the author. So, in other words, reprint away!<P>(I guess I'd better add that same policy to our Beam Excerpts page. Always something more to do...)<P>Jan K.

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In response to your statment about Katherine Eppley's e-mail address it is (eppley@erols.com) and I know for a fact that she would love to hear from any and all as to items that would be of interest to the group covered by Wheels. At the moment she is trying hard to finish the project of moving to a new home but I know she is always on the lookout for anything to make Wheels a more interesting and informative newsletter. I also think although I haven't checked but Peter was to put her address and e-mail contact on the page with the Wheels intro.

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PattyK and JanK, I enjoyed the article and have added it to the NC Region's website for more people to see. I think it is something all regions and Chapters need to get out to the membership to view.<P>It has been given proper credit along with a link. wink.gif Keep up the good work. <P>To all the other editor's and webperon's. I'd like to see this DF area become kind of like a big "think tank" were we can talk about ideas for articles that we would like to have for either newsletters or the web. Were we can share article that you think other regions/chapter might like to use (with proper credit and weblinks) I know from doing the Alamance Chapter's and the NC Region's websites that it is hard to get people to give you infromation. Even if you corner them it is still hard. Any thoughts from anyone?

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Nova ~ I am in complete agreement with you on using this forum for an idea exchange. I will be the first to ask for help. The Feb issue of our newsletter, which I am working on now, will have an article titled "Highway<BR>Heraldry" that deals with the crests, in-signia or medallions of various makes. I would like to include a graphic of those mentioned. Hence, my call for help. Does anyone have a graphic of the emblems for Buick, Chevy, Chrysler, Plymouth, Ford, Mercury and Cadillac? I would be most grateful for any help anyone can give and will be most happy to send a copy of the article as an attachment to anyone who wants to read it and possibly re-print it. Thanks in advance for whatever you might do.<BR>Patt<p>[This message has been edited by Ms63falcon (edited 03-05-2001).]

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I have emblems for the following - <P>1. 2 Buick - the older script (color) and the newer shield (b/w)<BR>2. Chevrolet Bowtie (both b/w & color)<BR>3. Ford - blue oval (color)<BR>4. Cadillac (b/w)<BR>5. Chrysler (b/w)<BR>6. Plymouth (b/w)<BR>7. I do not seem to have the Mercury logo, but I will have to double check.<P>The only problem is the black and white emblems are not real crisp as they were copied from a magazine ad. If you can not find any others they would work. Let me know if you need them.<P>24T42

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Hal-lalayoo (or however that's spelled) now this part of the DF is really working. It was intended to provide just what this thread has suggested - a real forum for us editors to communicate ideas - and yes I did say us - I am now the editor of The Marmon News, the newsletter for The Marmon Club and will again start up with the One-Lunger, the newsletter for the AACA Single Cylinder Cadillac Registry. Please keep this part of the DF vital and alive - all of you.

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Hello,<BR> I am sorry to be so long in responding to some of the earlier posts, but I just got my system up and running again after moving to a new home. <BR> I am definitely interested in receiving any and all information about children involved in the AACA for Wheels! My email address is in each issue of Wheels and on the website as well: eeppley@erols.com<P> I am always trying to encourage the children to send in articles about their families/AACA, photos, drawings, poems, short stories, auto-related projects, and any other auto-related items. Wheels should always have items not only about the children, but also from the children. Please be aware that any item submitted may have to be edited to fit into space available.<BR> I have checked out the Beam Excerpts page with Rachel's picture and story which I will definitely use in upcoming Wheels with credit given to Patty Kamholtz.I enjoyed the article and will be trying to get in touch with Patty to edit the article for Wheels.<BR> Thanks very much for all your help with the Junior Membership and with Wheels!<BR>Katherine<P> <BR>

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Judy,<BR>Yes, indeed, I would like to have the insignia that you've got. If anyone else<BR>out there has one or all, send them along<BR>and I will use what I can.<BR>And thanks for the help. Hope I can return<BR>the favor. We are leaving mid-day on Wed<BR>for the Punta Gorda meet and hope to see some of you there.<BR>Patt

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Patt,<P>When you get back, check your mailbox - ebox that is. A couple I mail you are not the greastest but could be used if you can't find anything else.<P>24T42<P>PS - I would like a copy. I have Word 2000.

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It is great to see all the enthusiasm for the youths now becoming a reality in AACA. I have four children and they all have been attending AACA Functions since birth. They enjoy the car shows and the flea markets. I hope to see more youths becoming involved this year. John Walker, Vice President of Membership AACA

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John,<P>I am very glad to see the excitement on the National level for youth involvement in the AACA. It has given me motivation to work within our region to involve kids in our events on a more regular basis. We're hoping to have a junior newsletter out this year in the Wisconsin Region as well as more activities at our events that will keep our youth interested.<P>Patty K.<BR>

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