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Information on Member Directory


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I joined LZOC about 5 months ago and have been trying to get a member directory. Cannot find it online and tried to contact web administrator but email was returned as undeliverble. Below is the message I sent to administrator. Can anyone steer me in the right direction to contact someone? Thanks


Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Original-Recipient: rfc822;
Action: failed
Status: 4.4.1
Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; connect to allnet.com[]:25: No route
to host
Subject Club Directory From Bill To  Date Wed 04:27

Sorry to bother you because I don't believe my question is within your realm but perhaps you can forward to someone who can help. I joined LZOC about 5 months ago and have enjoyed the magazines. However, my main purpose in joining was to receive the Club Directory to find owners in my geographic area to contact for mechanic references, etc. I have not received the Club Directory and am wondering if there is an online version. If not, I would really appreciate it if you could forward this or provide a contact for me to receive a copy. Thanks



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A fellow member was concerned that this post's personal identifying information might fall into the hands of spammers by being posted online. I have edited your post to remove that information.


I don't know the answer to your question, but have you tried resending your email. The error message looks to me as if it may be a temporary error. I know that I have recently had some emails bounce and then I resent them and they were delivered without a problem. The internet is not always the 100% reliable thing that we all want it to be.

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The reason your email was returned is that the email address is mead@vallnet.com.  I suggest you first contact Richard Cole, who puts the directory together.  It is only produced every other year and is mailed out at the time of preparation.  If there are any remaining copies, I expect Richard would know of them.  I'll send Richard's email address to your email address. 

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Thanks to MVHinson for editing my post to take off email address. I apparently left it on when I copied the returned email to Bob Mead into a post. Bob gave me a link to the online directory so I no longer need the hard copy directory. Got what I needed  -- thanks to both of you.

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