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57 buick ball joint info wanted please anyone ??


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Hi again fellow members    ...once again i took my 57 Buick in for roadworthy inspection again today & i got caught with a well known very harsh  roadworthy inspector  an (old chubby stern with attitude pom from England)  .i was told today by locals that when he comes into our  town  from the city everyone cancels their appointment for the next inspector for the next coming month...B`cos out of the 10 inspectors that rotate hes the worst !! If only i knew...anyhow`s  everything was fine until he jacked up the 2 front wheels & stuck a tire lever under the tires ...


He said that all 4  ball joints had a little play & thus he  Failed the inspection ..the car has only 54000 original miles & drives great !...,i tried to explain to the inspector that all the 57 ball joints from factory had  play on them ...he replied that if i could provide proof or information from Buick  & not from -just any Jo-Blo (was his words) regarding play with the 57 ball joints .. that on my next inspection the vehicle will pass & no need to change my ball joints.  So i came home & checked all my 57 Buick service bulletins from January 1957 to Dec & found nothing about ball joints  & from June1957 to Dec its all about the 58`Buick..Maybe the 56 service bulletins may show something ??

Can anyone offer proof or info  regarding play in 57 ball joints ?  We did have 2 very knowledgeable members talk about the 57 ball joints on my last failed inspection brew-har (noted in last comments) & now listed on page 4 atm in this same forum .. i would honestly appreciate any info  to stick it to this mob  ! cos what do they know about Buick in Australia ? they think they know it ALL &  that all ball joints react the same . & @ $300 per inspection ..they are milking me baby !! :blink:

I spoke with a local mechanic after the inspection & he said "you poor thing u got the ol pom inspector " & that  i should clean & carefully paint my ball joints grey or silver to look like rebuilt joints prior to next inspection if i could not get any proof.. so i need help folks ! 


..cheers n beers  & thanks in advance ,, ...johnny!

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I sent the OP the page on the ball joint's play. He can print it out and  bring it to the next inspection.

John, this info is from the Buick Product Service Bulletin, BPS 2.424, April 23, 1957.




Thanks TG. I was just getting ready to hike up to the shop in the rain to look it up................Bob

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…. Johnny, I seem to remember while inspecting for ball joint wear while on the ground like the tech did, the manual and the bulletins explain a given lift method on how to accomplish a proper measurement technique and the proper vertical 12:00 / 6:00  hand movement one applies on the tire itself in order to check for free-play of the ball joint while at the same time applying uplift from under the tire to promote suspension movement.  Maybe someone can elaborate on this more.  With that said, cannot understand how using a tire level would be any kind of a definitive calibrator for measuring ball joint free play and or wear as the suspension must be freed and moved while measuring.

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Thanks guys !!!!!  totally wonderful efforts .. !!  Thanks To TG for sending the info below ..& Caballero   WoW ,,thats definitely some gold there  appreciate your efforts  !!  will definitely use that !   ..& Bob thanks again for your input .. it sounds like you have great info too ... what book is it you have  ? the blue & red chassis manual ? or the training school shop manual ?  which ever one it is ..il buy it thru ebay ..I need what i can get to put a good case together ..i think its better to do that than buy 4 new ball joints that i dont need to appease these inspectors .. Appreciate your input again too Buick-man ..i found that info you speak of  located at



if anyone else has any info from Buick stating clearances or sloppiness,looseness,faults  etc concerning 57 Buick ball joints please dont hesitate to produce it ..    thankyou !!   


 Its just unfair i will need to pay a further $300 for another inspection just to put this case forward & educate  these inspectors whom have no idea about Buicks suspension & how they all technically function  somewhat differently ..


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" Bob thanks again for your input .. it sounds like you have great info too ... what book is it you have  ? "


I wasn't sure where all the relevant info was so I was going to go through the service bulletins, product school, shop manual etc. etc. I was hoping I could cue up others to come to your rescue in the meanwhile and they did. ............Bob 

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Not only is it beaurocracy but revenue raising aswell

its $290 for inspection

$50.00 for single day trip permit .(permits are granted only when imported vehicles arrives at dock to take home & for inspection only no permits are allowed for repairs)

$60.00 for vin check at police station (good only for 3 months) 

LHD exemption for single trip is also required & is free.

then u have say $40 in fuel cost being $1.35 litre      these inspections do become quite expensive . i know of people whom have failed inspection  up to 9 times.

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After reading the 57 Buick shop chassis manual   no-where does it show in the suspension section  how one would calibrate the clearance  specs & or procedures to check  the wear of the ball joints ? or what the clearance should be ..    & this is what i need to produce to these mongrel inspectors  ..can anyone point out where exactly this .060 (1/16) is published      blimey charlie could it be listed in the Buick 57`service bulletins only...?  you would think it would be shown in the chassis manual   yeah ?    mmm..weird !

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I sent a PM reply to your enquiry. I can email you a Buick bulletin that shows lower ball joints for 57 thru to 60 have 0.150 inch allowable play, 61,62 and 63 40-41-4300 series have 0.070 inch allowable play, and 61, 62 and 63 44-46-4800 series have 0.10 inch allowable play. It is bulletin 63-104 issued July 31, 1963 Subject Lower Ball Joint Service Program and J-21240 Ball Joint End Play Checking Gauge.It also talks about checking upper ball joints and indicates any perceptible movement in the upper ball joint is reason for replacement. It shows how you can check upper ball joint play.


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No mention of the 1/16 "slop" is made in the 57 shop manual. The SB points it out because good joints were being scrapped. Seems to me  I read somewhere about checking the joint wear by the old tire iron under the tire routine but I can't find it now. Basicly if the tire is lifted by the A arm there will be noticeable looseness if the tire is wedged upwards with a tire iron between it and the floor because of the built in .060" slop. God luck trying to convince the inspector of that especially since it's a one year only thing.

When I restored my 57 I was ready to scrap the bottom ball joints because of the play. Then I read the SB and checked the slop with a dial indicator. It was exactly .060. The joints were as new................Bob

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G,Day Johnny

I am watching this with interest, I just (A couple of weeks ago) bought a 58, so when the time comes, I might have the same drama


Fore warned is fore armed, as they say


I dont have anything much to help with this though, I am very new to Buick, so I have heaps to learn


Where are you (I am in Perth)


Lawrence, If possible, could I also get a copy of that service bulitin please?





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Mick, .......... SA, & you have completely different ball joints  .. new ones for 58 Buick are very inexpensive ...  from what ive seen  a  reconditioned 1957 Buick ball joint   starts from $300 ea with exchange  ...& equates that If you drive a  57 buick its advisable  to keep an eye out for pot holes , road-kill etc & remember to cross over train lines with utmost due care !

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My brother is in SA somewhere (never remember exactly)


I have noticed that a lot of the parts for these things arnt cheap, I thought moving from mopar to GM was going to help, but not really (dont matter anyway, awesome looking car)


This is bodgy and I dont think I would do it, but one way out of your problem would be to inject silicone into the ball joints, it wont last long, but might be long enough to make your licensing friend happy



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Johnny

I just took my 57 Buick to get inspected and lower ball joints failed inspection .How did you finally get through inspection ? I am in Adelaide and went to Regency depot

Dont like the idea of sending my ball joints off to get refurbished if they will still have the play in them ,and what if they go missing ! Wherein SA are you ?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Russell , i can offer you the paperwork you need to shove in their un-educated faces ..pm sent ..& to get your 57 buick passed... these foolish inspectors should not be raising the front wheels off the ground to check ball joint play with tyre lever ...when they jack the car up the front ball joints come out from their holding socket ..hence why they show play ! to check ball joint play on a 57 - 63 Buick you need a special device tool as shown in the service bulletins for your yr model.   talk soon !

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  • 11 months later...

Hi all,


Lately, a '57 Buick has come up for sale, and I was curious about the lower ball joint issue as well.

Seems that I had read about it a long time ago, but just stored that tidbit away at the time.

Now that this car has come up for sale, I'd like to get as much of the available information re the lower ball joint slop or play and any "documentation" for same.

Years ago, I used to do State Inspections.  Most any car would fail the ball-joint criteria, if you pried on them enough; no matter what brand

We no longer have State Inspections, but in order to get a title transferred , the Sheriff's Office has to pass the vehicle.  Who knows what he/she might know.


Has anyone attempted using or adapting a more economical replacement ball-joint in these 1-year Buicks ?  Is it possible?  What makes them so unique ?


gatz (in the US)





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The 57 lower ball joints are designed and manufactured to have .062 (1/16") play or looseness in the ball/socket fit. If you had a new and clean ball joint in hand you would be appalled at what the play feels like and you would likely replace the joint. I came close to replacing mine until I found the service bulletins noting the play and also describing the play when prying on the wheel to check for looseness.

Likely the sheriff's office is clueless on this.

My scanner is iffy right now but hopefully another member can send you the relevant info for the inspector.

Of course there's always the possibility the car's joints ARE worn out.

I understand some folks have changed the 57's front suspension to a 58 but it must be a major operation. The 58 control arms are completely different in design and construction..........Bob 

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  • 2 months later...

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