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September Issue of "New Bugle" is out


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Received the new format of the Bugle on the east coast today, on or before the beginning of month! The advantages of an east coast printer. There was a time when the old Bugle was arriving around the middle of the month of the issue. Over the past year that improved back to the beginning of the month of the issue.<P>We are generally resistant to change so the new format is going to take geting use to.<P>The front cover looks like the publication is being readied for sale on magazine/newstands! All the pages are glossy.<P>One of the interesting observations we made when the new editor, Bob Snowden, spoke at the General Membership meeting at the 2000 BCA National Meet in July, was that his experience has been in Chevy subscribtion magazines who plan Chevy events.<P>The Bugle has been a member publication. We are unsure if there is a difference to the way each is approached. We did not get the feeling that Bob Snowden realized this was a member organization and publication by the way he spoke. Hopefully, he is learning.<P>The Bugle has been cut back to 40 pages from the previous 48 to comply with the contract and budgets. We are told that everything we use to get is still in the current 40 pages.<P>There is a published financial report and budget in this issue. When next years financial report is published we will finally know if this new low bid contract will in actuality reduce the Bugle expense to the BCA without compromising the quality and content we have become accustomed to.<P>A month ago we were unsure whether we were getting apples to oranges comparisons form those touting the "new" Bugle. Our jury is still out until we see more issues and the next year's actual financial results.<P>And now we await the October issue which will be the 2000 National Meet issue.

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I think the new format looks great but there are a lot of pages printed each issue(not just this issue but also previously) that could be removed. Do we really need in each issue the listing of all chapters/divisions, technical advisors (that's 7.5% of the publication this month) or could it simply be issued as a pull out section once a year? Perhaps the BCA web page should be used more to convey information. When cost is a consideration what information is of the most value to the members? I don't want to start a heated debate but perhaps generate some thoughts towards what is a "must" in the Bugle and what can we live without? Champagne taste on a beer budget!!!<P>------------------<BR>Don Caithness<BR>Technical Advisor<BR>1967&1974 "A" Body<P><BR>

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Yeehaw, thanks for the comments, that is exactly the input we are looking for. How much is too much, and how much is just right. Thanks for the feedback. Roberta<P>------------------<BR>Roberta<BR>BCA TREASURER 2000-2001<BR>BCA PRESIDENT 1998-2000<BR>BCA VICE PRESIDENT 1997-1998<BR>WEBMASTER<BR>1956 Special 2 door Sedan<BR>1966 Wildcats<BR>1968 GS-400 Convertible 4-speed<BR>1970 GSX Stage 1<BR>1970 Skylark Racecar - 11.26, 118 MPH, 7/22/00<BR>1986 GN, 4800 miles

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While welcoming new members is certainly an important task for the Bugle, do we have to donate 1-1.5 pages every month for such a comprehensive rundown of each. Perhaps such information would be better utilized by the club in direct emailings to the Chapters, listing new members in their areas and their pertinant information. <P>I've belonged to over a dozen marque clubs over the years, and this is the only club I know that takes space out of it's newletter/magazine to specifically list new members, let alone provide <I> all </I> their vital statistics. If there's a financial crunch and something needs to be left out, I think we could start with that.<P>It also seems to me that some of the "boiler plate" information in each issue could be consolidated much more than it is. The Table of contents, for example, could be a small blurb on the cover if done in an attractive manner. Also the information that accompanies the table of contents and the President's message could be condensed substantially (for instance by listing phone #'s next to instead of under names).<P>Finally, two notes of praise. It's August and we're talking about the September Bugle with it in hand. That alone is worth the price we'll have to pay for admission to this brave new world (for me). Second I really like utilizing the back cover to feature a single car, rather than just to augment the photos of an interior artical. Very practical, classy and attractive.<P>Also, will we be getting a new poster each month? I have a lot of garage wall to cover! A nice 1960 LeSabre hardtop would look really nice as a centerpiece in my garage motif! wink.gif

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Guest John Chapman

OK, here's my two cents worth....<P>I haven't seen the new Bugle yet (maybe, just maybe today on the Left Coast!)<P>BCA has a nice web site, so why not use well-established techology to post the administrative info mentioned above. Set up FTP service and post the docs as Adobe Acrobat files. That way members could get them and use Acrobat Reader (free) to get them. Acrobat Reader will print a very satisfactory document, too.<P>For those members that are 'Internet Challenged' send out the info as an addendum once a year and on request (max of twice a year or so.)<P>Current and past Bugle issues could be posted as Acrobat files. See the following link as an example:<BR> <A HREF="http://sandiegoweb.com/sdpoci/newsletter.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://sandiegoweb.com/sdpoci/newsletter.htm</A> <P>Members that want just the electronic subscription could forego the snail mail version (print and postage savings) or at a membership discount(?)<P>Cheers,<BR>John<P>------------------<BR>John Chapman<BR>BCA 35894<BR> jmchapman@aol.com

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Roberta, Two questions for you...First, I called the BCA several month ago about membership and STILL havent heard a word!!!! <BR> SEcond, I see you have 66 Wildcats(PLURAL)....I have LOTS of 66 cat stuff Im trying to sell as Im taking my first "trip" into the 50's...55 to be exact...<BR> I am eager to hear from you so as we may be able to resolve the membership issue and maybe put some things in your hands to spruce up your kitties!!!!<P> Drop me an E @ dlw29@hotmail.com<P> Thanks In Advance, don55

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Here's my 2 cents, for what it's worth...<P>I just joined BCA last month and the September issue of Bugle is my first. I don't know anything about the disagreements and "politics" that have been referenced, but apparently there's been some pain getting to where things are today. That's OK by me, as I plan to judge the club by what I see from this point on, and not what was or wasn't done in the past.<P>Compared to many other club publications, this seems to be a nice one. In this club or any other, I enjoy the classifieds and articles on the member's cars the most. Seems like the number of featured cars was slim in September, but maybe that's where the extra 8 pages were lost?<P>I tend to disagree with Dave@moon about listing new members. I'm actually anxious to see my name shown as a new member--it's nice to be recognized, and it may be the only time my name is in the publication! Certainly, though, this can be limited to one page by using small type.<P>One thing I've not seen any crabbing about is the plan to save money by NOT printing the roster this year. I am VERY disappointed by this, as one of main reasons for joining was to get a printed listing of members so I can contact folks with cars similar to mine, or those in my geographical area. Seems like new members are getting the shaft if they don't at least get last year's roster. Plus, if it isn't printed this year, I won't be listed in it for a couple of years!!<P>Thanks for listening. As usual, all comments are welcome!<P>Greg

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I'm with Don55 on this. I've received a few copies of the Bugle now, but that is the only way I know that I'm a BCA member. It took a couple of months before my membership check cleared at my bank. I was just wondering if that is it, or should I be recieving any additional club literature.<P>Don55 - I had e-mailed you a few months back about a list of 66 Wildcat parts and never heard back. Could you send a list to me? I don't need much but would be interested in seeing what you have available.<P>Roberta - You mentioned on a previous posting that you had or can obtain a 66 Wildcat assembly manual. I would be very interested in a copy of that also.<P>Thanks,<BR>Steve Smith<BR>BCA 36617<BR>1966 Wilcdat Custom Convertible<P>------------------<BR>Steve Smith<BR>1966 Wildcat Custom Convertible<BR>BCA 36617

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The Roster issue is up for discussion at the Tampa Board Meeting on October 21. In my October President's message for the Bugle, I have asked for member comments regarding this issue. The cost for printing and mailing the Roster is about $35,000 or $3.50 per member. You can e mail me at:<P>Jeff1952@railvan.com<P>Thanks,<P><P>------------------<BR>Jeffrey R. Brashares<BR>President<BR>Buick Club of America

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Guest scott mich bca # 6619

Jeff,<BR> I think the roster is a good tool to have.<BR>I understand we are trying to cut costs. I also understand from the Richmand Board meeting you were considering making the roster available via e mail or electronicaly.<BR>This is a good idea as one could download and print only what is important to them as well as the list could be updated monthly.<BR> A few suggestions: Perhaps charge $5.00 for a roster. Publish order forms for a month or so. See how much you collect, order 1000 more and that way only the people that realy want it get it and everybody else (incl BCA)<BR>does not pay for it.<BR> 2nd suggestion would be to offer a subscription electronicaly, that way the cost of printing could be eliminated or keept to a minimium.<P>Scott<P>PS There were a lot of typos in the new Bugle.<BR>

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Regarding the roster, I'd like to emphasize that it is a major benefit of joining the club. If there is a conscious decision to discontinue the act of including it in the membership dues, then this should be specifically spelled out to folks that are joining or inquiring about joining.<P>Personally, after the increase in dues, I consider charging an extra $5 bucks or so for the roster to be a slap in the face. This means what used to be $30 is now $40! (I wish my salary took jumps like that) <P>If the current budget does not justify the roster, then alternative steps should be considered, such as sending the roster out in lieu of one or two Bugle issues (i.e. 10 issues per year, plus a roster). Also, rosters I've seen in the past have a lot of unnecessary "fluff" (production figures, for example) and have double listings---both by state and by car type. Seems that with a little work this could be condensed to about half the size and cost. For me, a xerox quality roster would be suitable--it doesn't have to be printed like a magazine with a color cover. <P>Anyway, that's just some ideas. One way or another I'd sure like to see an up-to-date roster provided annually. Thanks for "listening".

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In the past, the Roster has been a valuable research tool (members, vehicle information, other club information) for many and can continue to be so in the future. The Roster also contains a very important message in it regarding the uses of the member information therein--only for car club purposes only and nothing else (i.e., commercial ventures).<P>I concur that the informatin could well be placed on the BCA website, but maintaining the necessary security so that only BCA members have access to it is a hurdle that would have to be overcome with passwords or other security measures. Such security measures would continue the present orientation that only BCA members have access to the information.<P>While many of the younger members (in this case, younger is relative) are probably not internet-challenged, I suspect there are still plenty that are. Perhaps the Roster and other information contained in the previous versions could be available on CD or floppy upon request just as the paper versions could be reproduced upon request. That way, the members who need a hard copy could have one and the others who are computered can have one also for their electronic media. New members would have their choice when they join initially. Hopefully, that would decrease costs and maintain the present security of the member information also.<P>I have received my "new" BUGLE and did see a few typos in it. I also found a March, 1990 BUGLE I had in my archives--48 pages of 8.5"x7" paper stock. It had basically the same formats and information as the most recent "old" BUGLES of the 8.5"x11" size. The membership fee was $22.00 back then.<P>I hope the new Editor and Publisher can take things to the next level from the past plateau. I also suspect it will be a more streamlined operation now than in the past.<P>I suggest we give the new group several months to get up to speed. Yes, their experience might not be Buick-specific, but it is still, as I understand, GM related. This is where it becomes necessary for the membership to submit articles for publication. Technical articles and articles of our memories of and experiences with Buicks over the years. <P>Perhaps the Editor could request articles on various subjects and let members respond with their articles? I feel that one of the best ways to appreciate our Buicks is to read of the experiences and adventures of others with their Buicks and have a beneficial sharing of information.<P>Just some thoughts and comments.<P>Enjoy!

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