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Pa. Region Crosley show

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          To anyone with even a passing interest in Crosley Autos, The Keystone Region of the Crosley Automobile Club will have its annual meet at the old Stone Church Picnic grounds on Saturday, August 16, 2015.   There are usually 20 or so Crosleys on display and a nice group of owners and collectors there.   If you want to learn about the cars, are looking for one or even have just a passing interest, stop by.  If you have any questions, or need directions, feel free to contact me. 


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Come out of Spring Grove on 116 toward Hanover. Just after passing the Glatfelter Paper Plant turn left onto 516 Follow through the Town of Jefferson (Traffic circle). About 5 miles out of Jefferson turn Left onto Stone Church Road (GPS is about 5000 Stone Church Road, Glenville Pa). Picnic grounds is about 1/2 mile on the right. I should be there by about 9 am. Come on down!!!

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