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What is this?? Value??

Guest fighterpilot

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Guest fighterpilot

A friend of mine sent me these pictures. It was in the woods in back of some property he recently bought. Some parts say ford. Could it be Model T chassis? post-153732-0-40443800-1434302472_thumb.post-153732-0-06211600-1434302473_thumb.

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Guest fighterpilot

Thanks, Are the parts, like wheels, rear axle of any significant value? Should I just put it on Craigslist and see if I get any interest?? Thanks

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A hundred dollars might be about right. It would help to know within a hundred miles where it is.


Since the new software wiped out everyone's location information, it would be nice if folks would take a few minutes to update their location information.


Just sayin',


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If it's in Pennsylvania I'd give you $100 for it if its not too far of a drive from me. Why? because I'm a sucker for old parts and hate to think of things ending up in a scrape yard due to lack of "value".

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