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I just received a letter from the National Awards committe of the AACA.... I was quite surprised, it says that they have nominated my car for a National Award smile.gif" border="0 <P>Can anyone tell me a little bit more about this Award? I mean, it sounds fanatastic and I am honored, but do they give many of these out? do they pick a car from every class? Does it have anything to do with how many points I may have scored at the Fall Meet? I am new to AACA and the Fall Meet was my first time showing at an AACA meet., I did win my First Place Junior Award, but never heard of this National Award thing?? <P>Any and all answers to my many questions (sorry) will be appreciated.<P>Now I have to take 4 slide photos of the car and send them to the vice Pres. by Nov. 20th...not much time.<P>Thanks<P>Mike


Mike,<P>My sincere congratulations on your National Award nomination!<P>As said on here before, these nominations are "truly an honor" and your Chevelle is very deserving of it. It was a pleasure meeting you at Hershey and seeing your outstanding Chevrolet. I hope you go back to read Pauls thread on his well deserved nomination and eventual win with their Buick, as Ronbarn explains this award and procedure very well.<P> Rick<P> P.S.~~ My hat's off to our National Awards Nominating Committee for seeking out this fine automobile and it's nomination.<BR> smile.gif" border="0


Well I'll be!!! Damm if it didn't take me all night or seemed that way, to read that old Post....but worth it for sure. I can honestly say I do not understand all of it, but what I do now understand is that this nomination is very exciting aaaand I am very honored indeed! grin.gif" border="0<P>I also picked up that my chances of winning may be altered by the fact that I HERSHEY this year was the first time I have ever showed my car, so whatever points I got ( would love to know) may not be enough if another nominee had as good points but more shows under his belt.<P>I also would like to know what AWARD I would be getting/nominated for? Like is their a list that I would fall into with a BONE STOCK 66 Chevelle SS?<P>So, again what a great POST and Thanks to all you guys for the thumbs up cool.gif" border="0 and Rick, well what I can I say, you were the only member of this board who I actually got to meet at Hershey and your words about my car are very much appreciated smile.gif" border="0<P>Mike


Mike, Congratulations on your being considered for a National Award! If you go back to a post I made on 1-12-01 you can find everything that you will need to know about the award. Good Luck!<BR>Paul Gawel


Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Now go hire the BEST photographer you can find and take good shots with a nice clear background. The car has won all its points at Hershey, now the awards commettie has to deside which car is the best in your field. The better the photos the better your chances are. Good luck!


Thanks 1937! smile.gif" border="0 However, if getting a National award is dependent on who takes better photographs...ie., hiring a photographer. Then, I'll just take the Nomination and be happy smile.gif" border="0<P>I've seen too many cars that look 100% in photos, but in person...YIKES!!<P>I'll keep the DF posted as we go though.<P>Mike


As a <B>FORMER</B> [5 years retired] Natiomal Awards judge I can assure you that National awards are not decided on who submits the best photographs. The purpose of the photograph is to refresh the memory of committee members regarding the cars they examined and nominated all during the year. <P>Also, not every National Award judge evaluated every nominated vehicle when it was on the field. When these judges all meet for a full day in Hershey in early December, they select the winners from ALL nominated vehicles. <P>They consider their on the field evaluations, the recommendations of the judges who actually nominated the vehicles, the point score at each show where that vehicle was exhibited [as determined by the regular judging teams] and the number of Meets which it was shown and the point scores from all of the shows. A vehicle shown 4 times and scoring 399,397,398 and 398 will normally get the nod over a vehicle shown [or nominated] only once which scored 398. Four such close high scores verify the quality of the vehicle since it is normally judged by 4 different groups of judges.<P>With all of that said, it is only logical that the better the photographic representation up there on the screen in Hershey the better the car is represented to the collected memories and judgment of the National Awards judges.<P>I can recall having nominated cars that were beautiful on the field and then having a terrible picture appear on the screen at our meeting. Then you find yourself saying, "Listen guys, I nominated that car and the picture just doesn't do it justice."<P>You don't need a professional photographer or a $1000 camera. Just be sure that when you take the pictures the sun is not in the lens, the background does not overpower the vehicle, the entire car is in the picture and not missing the tail lights and bumper, the vehicle is clean and that there are no trash cans next to the rear fender. <P>Trust me, cars win awards. NOT the pictures. Was there and did that for 8 years. ~ hvs


66, You may have misunderstood what I ment by taking the best photos you can of your car. If you can take your own photos do so,just be sure they are the best. Howard did a good explanation of the process. Not everyone on the committee saw your car "live" on the show field, and will have to use your photos as a guide. You mentioned that the color of your car is unusual, be sure the true color comes out in the photos.

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