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Highest Dollar Auction Ever?


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On a smaller scale, have you ever wondered about people that rent storage space for their collector car? I know of several were the total cost of storage to date exceeds the value of the car. Bob

I know that was a factor in the Duesenberg that Jay Leno bought out of a parking garage in New York. It had sat in there since the 50s.

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Sometimes the collector's identity brings more $$$$$$$$ to the table. Clearly Mr. Pratt has that going for himself, but it's never a guarantee of nice returns or perhaps breaking even. A triple black 65 GTO conv sold for $272,000 in 06 or 07 here near Detroit. Haven't seen one that high since so was it 1 of 1? Was it that good (probably was)? That fever pitch rang through on some others too, but only on very rare occasions at the right sale will those anomalies happen. This gig has a pulse, this car collection/buying/selling thing, and all of us will hit that desire to be selling when the pulse is fast or buying when it's hard to find. Many will take the easy way and simply say "...just buy what you like and forget the money..." but that's not reality. Even though you enter this activity for purely personal or aesthetic reasons, that day will come when it looks like an investment. You or a family member needs excess medical care, you have a serious business opportunity available, it's time to send the kids to college, or it's time to move out to the country and you want all the cash possible. Any number of reasons in between as well. To not look ahead on these can be a mistake, and to over-spend on the wrong car can be as well. You really SHOULD like what you buy or collect, but even just a seasoning of financial responsibility will always be worthwhile.

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This is the guy who sold most of his Arizona-based housing development company just before the market crash of 2006-2009. He's not stupid. I would imagine he sees the jump in prices of these extreme high end collectible cars and wants to cash in before the market corrects. It should make for better TV ratings for the BJ folks, who tied their wagon to a poor network after the demise of the Speed channel. Imagine the commissions............................

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