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It is time for my annual announcement of Crosley Nationals. They will be held , as usual, on the Fulton County Fairgrounds near Wauseon, Ohio on July 10-12 2014. The meet unofficially starts on Tuesday July 8th with participation in the downtown Wauseon car cruise. Wednesday will be featuring a long distance trip to the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum about 65 miles from the fairgrounds. Thursday starts the meet in earnest and features the annual visit to the local Senior citizens center for an Ice Cream Social and the evening fireside chat. Friday is the beginning of the 2 day Crosley only flea market with numerous vendors, along with the annual silent auction. Also is the Crosley Games, the ice cream cruise to downtown Wauseon, and the new products and informal discussion with our vendors. Saturday is the annual Crosley National show featuring over 100 Crosleys on the show field including concours, AACA, and other show winners from all over the United States. The formal meet ends up with the annual membership meeting and banquet. This year there is also an informal invitation to all Crosleys and especially racers to participate in a 3/4 midget event nearby Saturday evening and Sunday. If you have anyquestions feel free to contact me.

Edited by DAVE A
correct spelling (see edit history)
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