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Bugatti Royale "Replica"


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Guest my3buicks
I think more time was needed on the rear of the car. It really detracts from the elegance of the rest of the car.

Totally agree with this - I find the rest of the car really gorgeously done.

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I fell in love with this car over 20yrs ago and kept on saying somebody needs to recreat it. That being said I own a hot rod and restoration shop so I am familure with both and what it takes to create them. the original cars are prisoners of their own value. I wanted to create the car in a usible form so people could have the oppurtunity to see what at one time was considered the most elligant auto ever produced. No, its not exact size wise it might be a tenth of an inch off.The rear end still has finish panels to go in the back. The tail lights were done for the ones not watching traffic and needing to be woke up. The red frame is because that is the way Bugatti did the Park Ward and I liked it. The trailer hitch gives the opportunity(if you trailer it) to tow the tow vehical home.(engine can pull 50,000lbs.) the split seats are purpose built, they flip up so you can store things on a shelf to not crush the leather and also the batteries are stored behind. The leather is so soft you want to cuddle with it. As for the price tag no I do not expect to get what I have in it but if it sold for the price I have it listed for somebody would be getting a heck of a deal and a one of a kind show stopper. If you think it's expensive restoring a car were your challenges are recreating the original parts and pieces, try fabricating everything and making everything fit and function correctly.An executive from the company viewed the car and said that we have done justice to the original. I understand forums are here for varied opinions but i just wanted to give you information so that you could make educated feedback.

I love all of the feedback, positive and negative, it makes me a better coach builder.

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Hi EDM. I wish there were more folks like you around. You are a real car nut just like all of us except you have the vision and resources to do what many of us would like to be able to do. My dream that at this point is light years beyond my available resources would be to do what Preston Tucker did and start a small specialized auto company to design and build a line of truly elegant cars which the big automakers seem unable to achieve since they have to build to the lowest common denominator and sell tens to hundreds of thousands of each model.

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I fell in love with this car over 20yrs ago and kept on saying somebody needs to recreat it. That being said I own a hot rod and restoration shop so I am familure with both and what it takes to create them. the original cars are prisoners of their own value. I wanted to create the car in a usible form so people could have the oppurtunity to see what at one time was considered the most elligant auto ever produced. No, its not exact size wise it might be a tenth of an inch off.The rear end still has finish panels to go in the back. The tail lights were done for the ones not watching traffic and needing to be woke up. The red frame is because that is the way Bugatti did the Park Ward and I liked it. The trailer hitch gives the opportunity(if you trailer it) to tow the tow vehical home.(engine can pull 50,000lbs.) the split seats are purpose built, they flip up so you can store things on a shelf to not crush the leather and also the batteries are stored behind. The leather is so soft you want to cuddle with it. As for the price tag no I do not expect to get what I have in it but if it sold for the price I have it listed for somebody would be getting a heck of a deal and a one of a kind show stopper. If you think it's expensive restoring a car were your challenges are recreating the original parts and pieces, try fabricating everything and making everything fit and function correctly.An executive from the company viewed the car and said that we have done justice to the original. I understand forums are here for varied opinions but i just wanted to give you information so that you could make educated feedback.

I love all of the feedback, positive and negative, it makes me a better coach builder.

Edm, I started this thread for a number of reasons. Initially it was because I knew on this site it would generate a lot of pro and con interest and I was impressed with the size of your cojones for picking such an iconic car as your model. I also personally have always loved the Royales since I saw the one at the Henry Ford Museum many years ago. I also thought this was my kind of Hot Rod, totally unique and in-your-face. I bookmarked your Ebay listing and found myself going back to it, then looking at your website and build photos, then looking at original Royale photos. Like others who have posted I was more impressed the more I looked at the workmanship and the similarities to the original. While its price point will not allow it I would love to own and drive that car! I see you have been lurking on this site since 2006, I'm glad that this thread has gotten you to post and hopefully you will continue to share your projects and expertise when you can. Good luck!

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Guest prs519

From what I see, this car is of fabulous craftsmanship, and I salute you, EDM, for your unique creation. Makes me jealous of your workmanship!

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